World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water WMO OMM WMO OVERVIEW OF FUNCTIONS AND PRODUCTS OF (POTENTIAL)


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Presentation transcript:

World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water WMO OMM WMO OVERVIEW OF FUNCTIONS AND PRODUCTS OF (POTENTIAL) WMO CSIS ELEMENTS Peer Hechler WMO

WMO OMM 2 Aim of talk To provide some examples of WMO co-ordinated activities, which aim at sustained global and regional climate information generation and provision in support of national climate services References: CSIS Workshop Doc. 4 Overview of functions and products of potential WMO CSIS elements CSIS Workshop Doc. 5 Regional Climate Centres – Status by Region

WMO OMM 3 Global Framework for Climate Services WCC3 decided to establish a Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) to strengthen the production, availability, delivery and application of science-based climate prediction and services.

WMO OMM 4 Global Framework for Climate Services routinely generate climate information The Climate Services Information System (CSIS) is the component of the Framework that is designed to routinely generate climate information which users need for the decisions they have to make. as of now Relevant WMO current strengths as of now include: -GDPFS including 12 GPCs and 2 Lead Centers as well as 2 RCCs -Regional institutions, such as DMCs, ACMAD, ICPAC, CIIFEN -Standards and best practices for operations (-> CCl, CBS) -WMO El Niño/ La Niña Update, etc. Examples of relevant WMO contributions to GFCS implementation include: -Promote national mechanisms to strengthen capacities of members to provide climate services -Extension of GPC and RCC networks and RCOFs to cover all climatic regions -Expansion of RCC operations to cover regional climate change scenarios -Development of additional global climate updates (-> GSCU), etc.

WMO OMM 5 WMO Global Producing Centres Function of WMO GPCs: Provision of global-scale long-range (seasonal) prediction information to Regional Climate Centres, Regional Climate Outlook Forums and National Meteorological and Hydrological Services Note: Other centres produce equivalent products (e.g. IRI, APCC) Variables: 2m temp, precip and SST Format: probabilities for tercile categories Temporal resolution: 1 month or longer (seasons) Spatial resolution: 2.5°x2.5° Coverage: global Lead time: between 0 and 4 months; Issue frequency: monthly or at least quarterly Many GPCs provide additional variables (e.g. pmsl, T 850hPa); products (e.g. ensemble mean anomaly); and longer range products.

WMO OMM 6 WMO Global Producing Centres Skill track record (ROC)

WMO OMM 7 WMO Regional Climate Centres RCCs are Centres of Excellence, which perform mandatory operational regional- scale climate functions in the domains of long-range forecasting, climate monitoring, data services and training Highly recommended functions comprise the domains of climate projections, co- ordination, capacity building and R&D RCCs are complementary to and supportive of NMHSs, which deliver all warnings and national-scale products Mandatory product list (examples): Assessment of GPC products Regional/sub-regional seasonal outlooks Consensus outlook statements Verification datasets Climate diagnostics bulletins Reference climatologies Implementation of climate watches Regional climate datasets Training, feedback mechanisms, information portals

WMO OMM 8 WMO Regional Climate Centres Station density, RA VI RCC- Network regional dataset Monthly product, RA VI RCC-Network climate monitoring bulletin

WMO OMM 9 WMO Climate Watch Systems WMO Climate Watch systems… … enable delivery of national climate advisories on occurring and expected climate anomalies to users as a climate service … are part of the mandatory RCC functions and will receive guidance information from regional entities and mechanisms, such as RCCs and RCOFs, … might be fed by global guidance products, such as WMOs El Niño/La Niña Update and the upcoming GSCU

WMO OMM 10 WMO Climate Watch Systems

WMO OMM 11 Gobal Producing Centres of Long Range Forecasts (GPCs) Regional Climate Centres (RCCs) (* Pilot phase) RCC Network Nodes (Pilot) Global Network of WMO GPCs and RCCs Washington Montreal Exeter ECMWF Toulouse* Moscow* Pretoria Melbourne Beijing Seoul Tokyo Lead Centre for SVSLRF Lead Centre for LRFMME SVSLRF: Standardized Verification System for Long Range Forecasts LRFMME: Long Range Forecast Multi-Model Ensemble CLW/CLPA/WCAS CPTEC Brazil De Bilt*Offenbach* ACMAD*

WMO OMM 12 Regional Climate Outlook Forums RCOFs bring together national, regional and international climate experts, on a regular basis, to produce regional climate outlooks based on input from global and regional producers of climate information as well as from NMHSs of the region concerned. The RCOF mechanism: ---> addresses regions of common climate characteristics ---> ensures consistency in access to, and interpretation of, climate information ---> facilitates close user interaction to jointly assess the likely implications of the outlooks ---> provides training on long-range forecasting, communication etc.

WMO OMM 13 Regional Climate Outlook Forums

WMO OMM 14 Regional Climate Outlook Forums SASCOF East-Asian Winter Monsoon Joint Meeting Existing RCOFs worldwide

WMO OMM 15 WMO El Niño/La Niña Updates and GSCU WMO has been issuing consensus based El Niño/La Niña Updates on a quasi-regular basis over the past more than a decade, providing useful information on these events of significant importance to regional climate impacts. From Oct 2010, an Expert Meeting on Scoping Global Seasonal Climate Updates (GSCU) took place at WMO Headquarters, expanding the idea of El Niño/La Niña Updates to a quarterly publication on the observed status and potential evolution of the global climate (ENSO, SST, TT, RR, significant events).

WMO OMM 16 Annual WMO Statement Each year WMO produces its Statement on the Status of the Global Climate The activity consists of a press release mid December and the publication of a 12-page brochure in March of the following year The brochure provides information mainly about global temperature, regional temperature and precipitation patterns, hazards, droughts and floods, tropical cyclones, ENSO, Arctic Sea Ice. A feature article informs on a subject of interest attached to the content of the brochure.

WMO OMM 17 Global Climate Datasets Amongst a huge variety of different existing global data sets and relevant initiatives, including Data Rescue, are two famous examples of data sets compiled in international collaboration under WMO co-ordination: World Weather Records (WWR) have been published since 1927, and include monthly mean values of pressure, temperature and precipitation, as well as station metadata; data are collected for periods of 10 years (e.g ) Climatological Normals (CLINO): 30-year means for standard reference periods (current period: ) incl. relevant statistics (percentiles, number of days, frequencies, etc.) for a variety of parameters from over 4000 stations worldwide

WMO OMM 18 Climate Projections WCRP Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) and WCRP Co-ordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) provide frameworks for climate change scenario development on global and regional level including data access.

World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water WMO OMM WMO Thank you MerciСпасибоGraciasشكرا Thank you MerciСпасибоGraciasشكرا