DOCUMENT #:GSC15-PLEN-63 FOR:Presentation SOURCE:ITU-T AGENDA ITEM:Plenary 6.14 CONTACT(S):Reinhard Scholl Activities of Focus Group on Cloud Computing in ITU-T Reinhard Scholl ITU Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) GSC-15
Highlight of Current Activities (1/3) ITU-T established Focus Group on Cloud Computing (FG-Cloud) 1 st meeting of FG-Cloud: June 2010, Geneva Two Working Groups established WG1: Cloud computing benefits & requirements WG2: Gap analysis and roadmap on cloud computing standards development in ITU-T Draft Deliverables worked on at 1 st meeting (more in the pipeline): Introduction to the cloud ecosystem: Definitions, taxonomies and use cases Requirements for Reference Architecture on Cloud Computing 2
WG1: Cloud computing benefits & requirements WA (working areas) 1-1 Cloud definition, ecosystem & taxonomy WA 1-2 Uses cases requirements & architecture WA 1-3 Cloud security WA 1-4 Infrastructure & network enabled cloud WA 1-5 Cloud services & resource management, platforms and middleware WA 1-6 Cloud computing benefits & first requirements from ICT perspectives 3 Highlight of Current Activities (2/3)
WG2: Gap analysis and roadmap on cloud computing standards development in ITU-T WA 2-1 Overview of cloud computing SDOs activities WA 2-2 Gap analysis & action plan for development of relevant ITU-T cloud standard 4 Highlight of Current Activities (3/3)
Strategic Direction FG-Cloud objective to collect and document information and concepts that would be helpful for developing Recommendations to support cloud computing services/applications from a telecommunication/ICT perspective Complete Terms of Reference: 5
Challenges Avoid duplication: Collaborate with worldwide cloud computing communities (e.g., research institutes, forums, academia) including other SDOs and consortia FG Cloud sent liaisons to some 20 SDOs and forums at first meeting 6
Next Steps/Actions 2 nd FG Cloud meeting (2-6 September 2010, Geneva) Joint session with FG-Future Network planned (6 September 2010) 3 rd FG Cloud meeting (1-3 December 2010, Rennes/France) 4 th FG Cloud meeting (mid Jan 2011, Moscow, to be confirmed) 7