EMF and collective bargaining ETUI/EPSU seminar, Erlend Hansen
Out-line Our structureKey decisions Cooperation with ETUC and others 2
Committee Has recently been expanded to cover also social policy issues which are related to collective bargaining, e.g. working time and pensions. Around 65 members and turnout of Two meetings per year, up till 2012 one of them in a new member state. Each meeting lasts one and a half days. Draft decisions circulated before meetings. Minutes taken and written in EN, GE, FR. 3
Select Working Party Consists of about 18 committee members High turnout Important steering group Prepares committee meetings and summer school Chair and vice-chair from affiliates Normally five meetings per year, not always in Brussels. Try to be practical. 4
White collar group Subordinate to regular select working party Either pure engineer unions (Nordic) or representatives of more complex unions Influences work programme, but it is not very visible in our federation. Key political issues are long working hours, lack of regulations and unpaid overtime. 5
Summer college In cooperation with ETUI, financed by Commission Annual event in September, held in Southern Europe, popular. Cross between seminar and think tank High level participation Informal, but important, looks into the future Focus on economic policy, Eucoban and common demands. Sometimes with external experts. 6
CB conference Normally held every four years. Biggest event between congresses EMF had 250 participants in Madrid
Common demands - 1 2005: EMF common demand on training ETUF:TCL common demand on training 2009: EMF evaluation of CD on training and adoption of new CD on precarious work 2011: EMCEF and ETUF:TCL common demands on precarious work. Slightly different. 2012: Decisions to be merged. One campaign until next conference, possibly in No plans of a next CD yet. 8
Common demands - 2 Broad democratic processes, decisions taken by CB conference. Critical to get a good start, we use “road-maps”, questions are not academic Continuous evaluation in special surveys and annual Eucoban report. Special web site. Important to show European employers that we stand together Our affiliates refer to European decisions in national CB and political lobbying 9
Temp agency work Special focus on this challenge Most important issue within precarious work Our sectors are highly affected We see hiring as extraordinary solution, permanent employment should be normal Wish to reduce hiring in different ways Uncertain of new directive. Little knowledge of implementation so far. 10
Eucoban Stands for “European Collective Bargaining Network”. Annual report on macroeconomic development and collective bargaining. Participation satisfactory, but could have been better. Questionnaire and report in EN, GE and FR. Day-to-day reporting system. Majority of items on CB rounds, immediately circulated to more than 100 correspondents. Search by country in web site. Direct communication/questions between member organisation. 11
Regional networks 8 networks existed in the EMF Some were active, others not Evaluated after last CB conference Secretariat of European federation offers assistance to self-organisation 12
Wage coordination Wage coordination rule first adopted in 1998 Unions should demand compensation for inflation and productivity Reassessed and slightly reworded in 2011 Didn’t work in crisis years due to falling productivity (and inflation in some cases) Future Eucoban reports will be more forward- looking and analyse trends. Decisions of three former federations will be merged. 13
Coop with ETUC ETUC follows and influences economic policy of EU We are represented in their CB committee and in social policy working groups. Steering group about to be set up Also important for us to have dialogue with other federations like EPSU New ETUC initiative called “European Social Contract”. ETUC has applied to Commission for funding of CB coordination project. 14
Thank you for your attention! 15