Presentation to the Informal Forum Summit Meeting Geneva, Switzerland, 3-4 December 2001 David Drury President & Chairman
3 The MPLS Forum An industry-wide association of networking and telecommunication companies focused on advancing the deployment of multi-vendor Multi- protocol Label Switching (MPLS) networks and associated applications
4 Agenda MPLS MPLS Forum Marketing Awareness and Education Technical Committee MPLS (Forum) and the ITU-T
5 Agenda MPLS MPLS Forum Marketing Awareness and Education Technical Committee MPLS (Forum) and the ITU-T
6 Why is this a good idea ? MPLS key concepts An architectural change to IP Greatly enhances IP routing Clean separation of forwarding, routing and control signaling Single simple forwarding paradigm (label switching) Multiple routing and signaling protocols appropriate to purpose Including connection establishment protocols for Explicit paths Packet Classification mapping to Forwarding Equivalent Class Very flexibly and only once at ingress, Forwarding hierarchy Multiple link realizations (ATM, POS, Ethernet, Frame relay) Mainly being developed within the IETF
7 MPLS addressing networking needs End Users / Applications IP SDH Photonics Access MPLS TE + CoS/QoS MPLS IPVPN MPLS Protection & rerouting MPLS TDM & Photonics Trails MPLS convergence MPLS Interworking
8 Multi-service edge Voice,TDM, Frame relay ATM. IP, Differentiated IP VPN, wavelengths Street, CPE Cental Office The MPLS converged network vision Backbone Optical core Routed & Switched edge Optical core Metro/POP MPLS everywhere LOCAL SERVICES CENTRAL SERVICES Access Dial up, Copper, xDSL, Fiber, Cable, Fixed wireless Mobile wireless Free space optics etc ISP C Telco B MPLS control plane Multiple link layers Data not necessarily IP ATM
9 Agenda MPLS MPLS Forum Marketing Awareness and Education Technical Committee MPLS (Forum) and the ITU-T
10 MPLS Forum Information and Membership Founded March members as of December 2001 For more information: Alexa Morris, Exec. Dir MPLS Forum Web Site: Info Mail List:
11 The Committee Structure Board Technical Committee MA&E Committee Applications & Deployment WG Interoperability Working Group Future Working Groups Marketing Programs Awareness Programs Education Programs Deployments Implementations Interoperability
12 MA&E Committee Work Items Education Programs Developed 8 hour Introduction to MPLS Tutorial Developed 8 hour MPLS VPNs Tutorial Currently developing GMPLS Tutorial Currently developing an Traffic Engineering Tutorial Also focusing on more specific tutorials (e.g. Business Benefits etc.) Awareness Programs Build Awareness for MPLS – Technology & Benefits Participation with Conference Organizers Participation with Tradeshow Events
13 Technical Committee Sub-Groups Board Technical Committee Applications & Deployment WG Interoperability Working Group Contribution driven Only work on areas not covered by other SDOs
14 Voice Over MPLS Implementation Agreement Published in July of 2001, the Implementation Agreement (IA 0001) is the first produced by the MPLS Forum. The MPLS Forum defines VoMPLS as voice traffic carried directly over MPLS without IP encapsulation of the voice packet Work submitted as a liaison to both SG 11 and SG 13 of ITU-T
15 Applications and deployment group Extension to VoMPLS work AAL2 over MPLS Narrowband services over MPLS Carrying other services over MPLS Frame relay over MPLS – joint project with Frame Relay Forum ATM over MPLS extensions – joint projects with ATM Forum TDM over MPLS MPLS UNI PVC and SVC service interface definitions for CPE and CLE MPLS support of Class and Quality of service
16 Interoperability Group Interoperability specifications for all the major protocols LDP RSVP-TE CR-LDP Etc Being written in conjunction with most of the major testing labs and test equipment vendors
17 Agenda MPLS MPLS Forum Marketing Awareness and Education Technical Committee MPLS (Forum) and the ITU-T
18 MPLS and the ITU-T Study Groups Involvement SG11 – MPLS Signaling SG13 – MPLS IP VPNs and IP over ATM SG15 – IP and MPLS Equipment Requirements Key Initiatives Today in SG11 TRQ.MSoMPLS Multi-service over MPLS Signalling Req. TRQ.BBSoMPLS Broadband Bearer Services over MPLS Signalling Req. TRQ.NBSoMPLS Narrowband Bearer Services over MPLS Signalling Req.
19 MPLS and the ITU-T Key Initiatives Today in SG13 Approved Y.1310 for IP over ATM Public Data Networks (recommends the use of MPLS Networks) Draft Y.1311 IP VPNs – Generic Architecture and Service Requirements Draft Y Network-Based IP VPN over MPLS Architecture Draft Y.1710 (former Y.17oam.1) Requirements for OAM Functionality for MPLS Network Draft Y.1711 (former Y.17oam.1) Mechanisms for OAM Functionality for MPLS Networks Draft Y.1720 (former Y.17ps) Protection Switching for MPLS Networks New SG 13 work item approved on VoMPLS Requirements, Service Definition, Framework Architecture, User Plane Protocol, and Interworking
20 MPLS Forum and the ITU-T The MPLS Forum board is delighted to have established a good working relationship with the ITU-T Established a relationship under ITU-T Rec A.4. Recently received confirmation of a relationship under ITU-T A.5 to allow referencing MPLS Forum documents
21 Areas for collaboration IP/MPLS technology is relevant to much wider deployment than simply in the Internet It is possibly the basis for communications infrastructures in general. ITU-T has a vital role in using its long experience to ensure the needs of multi-service providers are fully met by developments in this technology In doing so collaboration with SDOs and Forums with specific expertise will clearly help speed up this process Very clearly there is a role in achieving co-ordination and co-operation between SDOs and Forums.
Thank You