Educated Kids Productive Employees Vibrant Economy …..Support Quality Child Care
Early Childhood Council of Larimer County Established 1997 Goal: Quality child care for all Larimer County children Child Care Referral Program 800+ in ‘04/’05 On-Site Technical Assistance Team 200 providers supported Provider Professional Development 29 workshops in ‘04/’05. Trained 290 child care providers (many attended 1 or more classes)
ECC’s Unwritten Goal Help boost local economy via productive, working parents who are comfortable with their children’s child care.
Larimer County 10,489 children under age 6 live in households where parents work. This is nearly 60% of all Larimer County children 6-years-old or younger. Source: 2000 U.S. Census
Quality Child Care A Must 40-Year Study: Effects of Quality Care Tracked participants from age o 20% more graduated high school than non-participants o 14% more employed at age 40 o 26% more had savings accounts o $5,000 higher median annual income Data Source: Abecedarian Project
Pediatricians Agree “Children who attend high-quality early childhood programs demonstrate better math and language skills, better cognition and social skills, better interpersonal relationships, and better behavioral self-regulation than do children in lower-quality care.” -- Pediatrics Magazine, January 2005
Definition: Quality Child Care Licensed providers Recurring professional development Credentialing Meets/exceeds national standards Variety of educational resources for children Developmentally appropriate activities Safe, stimulating environment
2003 ECC Parent Survey Child Care: Essential for Working Parents 41% of Larimer County parents would leave workforce if care not available 20% would reduce hours 6% turned down job or promotion 17% refused overtime hours 21% missed 1-9 days of work due to child care problems
Quality Child Care: Larimer County’s Edge Employers depend on reliable child care to keep employees working Local business, government, families must invest in child care Similar to “quality-of-life” investments in transportation, housing and healthcare
ECC Projected Funding – ’05/’06
ECC Fiscal Barriers State & United Way funding reducing ’05/’06. Budget allows training just 26% of 1,100 providers. 1-2 mos. wait for Technical Assistance Team site visits. Provider referral requests up 18% -- funding flat. Need significant local funding support or could close. Low funding = sporadic marketing. Not reaching all providers.
ECC: A Sound Investment Additional Sustainable, Local Funds Needed Each Year $85,000 by July ‘06 & each following year
You Can Help Donate to ECC Advise ECC on businesses to approach Encourage providers to participate in ECC workshops and other programs Inform friends of ECC’s Child Care Referral program Support family-friendly business
Educated Kids Productive Employees Vibrant Economy …..Support Quality Child Care Early Childhood Council of Larimer County PO Box Fort Collins, CO