Frameworks of Telecom and protect Environment Chaesub Lee Chairman of ITU-T SG13
Content 1. Frameworks of Telecom 2. Trends of Telecom 3. Protect Environment 4. Standard work
Basic & Fundamental need of all human being Need at least two people Need tools for communication (5 senses: See, Hearing, Touch, Smell, Taste) See Hearing Touch Smell Taste 1. Frameworks of Telecom Building a Society
Minimum condition for building real society See Hearing 1.5 m Standard for Telecom Quality of Services Objective of Telecommunication Frameworks of Telecom
Objective of Communication: Building virtual society using communication services/systems similar as real society 1.5 m Objective of Telecommunication Frameworks of Telecom
Wires Transmission Systems Switching Systems Terminal Systems Switching Systems Transmission Systems Terminal Systems Wires (User side) Wires (Transmission) Basic Configuration of Telecommunication 1. Frameworks of Telecom
Far Past : Seper. of Voice & Data Transp. Circuit Switch. Access Capa. Circuit Switch. Transp. Capa. Packet Switch. Transp. Capa. Trends of Telecom Network development Past : Sep. of V & D Access xDSL / FTTx Circuit Switch. Access Capa. Circuit Switch. Transp. Capa. Packet Switch. Transp. Capa. Packet Switch. Access Capa. Present: Integration of V & D Transport VoIP / VToA Circuit Switch. Access Capa. (Fixed/Mobile) Circuit Switch. Transp. Capa. Packet Switch. Transp. Capa. Packet Switch. Access Capa. (Fixed/Mobile) Future : Integration of V & D over FMC Packet Switch. Transp. Capa. Packet Switch. Access Capa. (Fixed and Mobile Access) 2. Trends of Telecom
The vision of ubiquitous networking Always on with Any devices Anytime, anywhere and in any form Voice and multimedia Self service, intuitive Simple for the end user Secure, trusted and reliable Services on the Convergences 2. Trends of Telecom
Key Features of NGN ITU-T Rec. Y.2001 Next Generation Network (NGN): a packet-based network able to provide telecommunication services and able to make use of multiple broadband, QoS-enabled transport technologies and in which service-related functions are independent from underlying transport-related technologies. It enables unfettered access for users to networks and to competing service providers and/or services of their choice. It supports generalized mobility which will allow consistent and ubiquitous provision of services to users. 2. Trends of Telecom
Overall NGN Architecture NGN= Service Stratum + Transport Stratum Basic Functions= User + Control + Management 2. Trends of Telecom
Limited BB BE IP Limited Services NGNNGN Converged Broadband Managed IP FMC RFIDIPTV Others Business/Application oriented projects Simple linkage btw layers Simple business relationships Simple players Simple linkage btw layers with dynamics Diverse and Flexible business relationships Diverse business models and players Enabling for Convergence 2. Trends of Telecom
Focal points on ICT & CC: support to protect environment Green House Gas emission Pollutions of natural environment: Air, Water etc. Natural disaster: earth quake, fire, thnami etc Other natural disaster Protect Natural Environment Historical monuments Artistic items: Paints, Sculptures etc. Musical items: Musical instruments etc. Literary items: Books, Records etc. Infrastructural items: Building of Museum, Theater for Performance etc. Other cultural environments Protect Cultural Environment Impacts 3. Protect Environment
Way of using Energy is one of the major key concerns ICTs itself are subject for control of Energy (generation and consumption) ICTs will impact on using Energy (Delivery & consumption control) Network infrastructure in the core of ICTs Using Energy Move Off line to On-line Life (inc. Business) Network Infras. ICTs Vehicle Ind. Health- care Ind. Merchand izing Ind. Travel Ind. Education Ind. others 3. Protect Environment
Energy considerations aspects of Network Planning aspects: for example Over-provisioning vs. Planned- provisioning and others Operation aspects: for example Always on vs. Stand by and Best effort vs. Managed and others Service aspects: Single media vs. Multimedia, Single service vs. Binding services or Convergence between different service environments System aspects: Data storages, OAM&P systems, Router, Switch, Transmission systems, Duct operation, Emergency Power Feeding and others Office operation aspects: Number of Offices and people within offices, Office operation related systems (e.g. lights, ventilation, cooling, Heating and others) Others impact Requirements (Operation, Planning and Functions) Capabilities for services and OAM&P (including QoS, Security and Mobility etc.) Functions and features allocation into functions Protocols (for example to support Stand by mode) System design and specification including power feeding conditions others 3. Protect Environment
Example from BT: NGN impact overall network operation NGNNGN Resulting by More Broad bandwidth Extend Reachability Support Convergence Service vs. Transport Integrated Management Others 30 ~ 40% Reduction of Sites 3. Protect Environment
Example of candidate trials: ECO Networking Technology * Ref: FGFN-C25 Energy Saving Network Technologies, Fujitsu Ltd, ECO Routing Aggregate traffic into energy-saving path Implement sleep mode for routers where possible ECO Switching Forward packets on timeslot basis with time scheduling Buffer-less forwarding without packet loss No routing table necessary * ECO: Energy Cost saving Overlay 3. Protect Environment
17 Standard in Pompeii 4. Standard work
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