GR Presented by Greg Ratta ( ), ITU-T SG 11 Vice Chairman April 26, 2001
GR Outline Introduction - elements of QoS signalling Signaling of QoS in B-ISDN Overview of BICC QoS signalling for BICC Summary
GR ATM Service Categories *CDVT is a network characteristic and is not signaled = network specific
GR Guaranteed Frame Rate (GFR) Objective: a non-real-time service that provides some QoS commitment while placing minimal constraints on the user Major Application: Carry aggregate TCP/IP traffic between two routers User is free to send any rate up to a PCR all the time, but network commitment is only to an MCR GFR service is frame-based.
GR Inclusion of QoS parameters in the SETUP message when the I.356 QoS class is explicitly requested (QoS value different from 0)
GR Inclusion of QoS parameters in the SETUP message when the QoS class value is not explicitly requested and the requested ATC is an I.371 ATC
GR Inclusion of QoS parameters in the SETUP message supported for backward compatibility
GR What is BICC? BICC provides a means of supporting narrowband ISDN services across a broadband backbone network without impacting the interfaces to the existing N-ISDN network and end-to-end services. The BICC call control signaling protocol is based on N-ISUP signaling The bearer control signaling protocols are based on different bearer technology control signaling protocols (e.g., DSS2 for AAL type 1 and AAL type 2) The BICC call control signaling protocol should not be aware of the actual bearer transport being employed. The binding information is used to reference the bearer.
GR BICC network architecture
GR BICC Capability Set 1 Forward and Backward Backbone Network Establishment Transport Call Control via MTP SS7 or ATM Support of most existing narrow band services. New Backbone Network Connection (BNC) with or without Codec Negotiation Reuse of Idle Backbone Network Connection (BNC) Separate Release of Call and Backbone Network Connection (BNC) Bearer Transport Types supported: AAL 1 & AAL 2
GR BICC Capability Set 2 and Beyond Extend BICC to the Local Exchanges Support IP Bearer, including Tunnelling Support of a Call Mediation Node Function Support Structured AAL1 New Identifiers –Traffic Group –Global Call Reference Extend BICC to Special Resources Nodes (e.g., announcement platforms…etc)
GR QoS Signalling in BICC CS 3 Based on the TIPHON specifications for end-to-end QoS control –4 TIPHON QoS service classes (Best, High, Medium and Best Effort) in ETSI TS part 2 –the signalling and control of end-to-end QoS in TIPHON systems in ETSI TS part 3. Initiated joint activity with ITU-T SG 16 for: –Translation of the TIPHON defined QoS requirements and signalling flows in protocol requirements. –Definition of generic procedures in call/bearer control protocols (BICC, H.225/H.245, SIP/SDP) for end-to-end QoS service control. –The specification of a generic H.248 (Megaco) package for end-to- end QoS service control.
GR Summary All new services in ITU-T SG 11 to be specified for BICC before being added to ISUP or BISUP QoS signalling available for ATM-based infrastructure Capability for call level QoS signalling under study
GR BICC Acronyms AALATM Adaptation Layer ACFAccess Control Function ACNAccess Concentration Node AESAATM End System Address AGIApplication Generated Identifier ANIAccess Network Interface APMApplication transport Message ATMAsynchronous Transfer Mode BCFBearer Control Function BFBearer Function BICCBearer Independent Call Control BIWFBearer Interworking Function BNCBackbone Network Connection CSFCall Service Function CSMCall State Model CMNCall Mediation Node B-ISUPBroadband ISUP DSS2Digital Signalling System no.2 GATGeneric Addressing and Transport protocol GFTGeneric Function Transport control GITGeneric Identifier Transport GSNGateway Serving Node INIntelligent Networks IPInternet Protocol ISDNIntegrated Services Digital Network ISNInterface Serving Node ISUPISDN User Part MTP3bMessage Transfer Part no.3b NNINetwork-Network Interface POPPoint of Presence PSTNPublic Switched Telephony Network SNServing Node SPOISignalling Point of Interconnection SS7Signalling System no.7 SSCOPService-Specific Connection-Oriented Protocol STPSignalling Transfer Point SWNSwitching Node TDMTime Division Multiplexing TETerminal Equipment TGTrunk Group TSNTransit Serving Node UNIUser Network Interface VCCVirtual Channel Connection VoIPVoice-over-IP