Jen Keck & Emily Greene ED 417 Social Studies Standards— OHIO Third Grade
TABLE OF CONTENTS History………………………………………….………..pages 3-7History People in Societies……………………….………pages 8-12People in Societies Geography………………………………….………pages 13-17Geography Economics……………………………………….…pages 18-23Economics Government…………………………………….…pages 24-28Government Citizenship Rights & Responsibilities…pages 29-33Citizenship Rights & Responsibilities…pages Social Studies Skills & Methods…………pages 34-39Social Studies Skills & Methods
HISTORY Chronology—by year or event Growth in a community
HISTORY ACTIVITIES Activity 1: Create a word search to introduce some important aspects of Ohio history. ~~Worksheet-style crosswords: ~~Computerized crosswords: Activity 2: Read The Iroquois Indians, by Bill Lund. ~~Use KWL chart prior/after to extend the lesson.
HISTORY ACTIVITIES Activity 3: Allow children to work in teams and research different parts of Ohio history. ~~Ex: Team 1 researches *Class orally shares what they learned as teacher creates a timeline of Ohio. OR *Teams present their timelines and entire class creates individual timelines.
HISTORY ACTIVITIES Activity 4: Read The Wright Brothers (Landmark Books), by Quentin Reynolds. ~~Have children write a letter to the Wright Brothers detailing life in Ohio in the 21 st century. Activity 5: Use graphic organizer to compare/contrast Ohio from 1900’s-now after reading/researching various sources.
HISTORY WEBSITES /199/27/ /199/27/ hio.htm hio.htm 7.html 7.html ks.html ks.html
PEOPLE IN SOCIETIES Cultures Interaction
PEOPLE IN SOCIETIES ACTIVITIES Activity 1: Sing state song “Beautiful Ohio” Activity 2: Field trip to Sunwatch Indian Village
PEOPLE IN SOCIETIES ACTIVITIES Activity 3: Explore the origins behind the state flag and have class create their own state flag. The children will be asked to write interesting facts about Ohio on the flag as well.
PEOPLE IN SOCIETIES ACTIVITIES Activity 4: Use graphic organizer to compare/contrast Ohio with other states and countries. Activity 5: Learn the history behind the buckeye—Indian origins and William Henry Harrison’s role. Have class write 2-3 paragraphs about buckeyes and create one as well.
PEOPLE IN SOCIETIES WEBSITES m m oks.htm oks.htm neouslyrics/statesongslyrics/ohiostatesong lyrics.html neouslyrics/statesongslyrics/ohiostatesong lyrics.html gs/oh_flag.htm gs/oh_flag.htm
GEOGRAPHY Location Places & Regions Human Environmental Interaction Movement
GEOGRAPHY ACTIVITIES Activity 1:Use a map to identify neighboring states and physical features. Identify and label landforms and bodies of water. Activity 2: Discuss the role of Wright Patterson Air Force Base and identify types of movement (various planes). Field trip to further examine these forms of movement.
GEOGRAPHY ACTIVITIES Activity 3: Create state map of natural resources out of food. Activity 4: Have class create ABC book about cities in Ohio.
GEOGRAPHY ACTIVITIES Activity 5: Have class locate cities/landforms/bodies of water/vegetation by using a grid system.
GEOGRAPHY WEBSITES shome/tabid/524/Default.aspx shome/tabid/524/Default.aspx /ohio_maps.htm /ohio_maps.htm
ECONOMICS Scarcity & Resource Allocation Production, Distribution, & Consumption Markets
ECONOMICS ACTIVITIES Activity 1: Read My Town, by William Wegman. Identify goods/services unique to Ohio. Activity 2: Distribute different forms of money (present and past). Discuss what was used in our state prior to “coins.” Oral discussion: shells, beads, fur, services. Have class create an “exchange rate” for various types of money.
ECONOMICS ACTIVITIES Activity 3: Distribute various nick-nacks among teams. Allow them to trade (introduce the word barter). After 5 minutes, have each team present their loot. Compare/contrast teams who did well and those who suffered. Explain the importance of money and competition.
ECONOMICS ACTIVITIES Activity 4: Discuss supply and demand. Compare/contrast supply and demand for the state of Ohio and the state of Alaska. Use a graphic organizer to demonstrate. Have teams create a marketing plan for Alaska to advertise an item that is in high demand in Ohio, but low demand in Alaska.
ECONOMICS ACTIVITIES Activity 5: Have class review products made within the state of Ohio. Students will then create a class system of money and use this to “shop” for the products in the class. Afterwards, discuss items that sold very low, and others that were expensive.
ECONOMICS WEBSITES tate/Ohio/index.asp tate/Ohio/index.asp
GOVERNMENT Role of Government
GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES Activity 1: Discuss the role that the Ohio Supreme Court plays. Watch video: organizations/multimedia.cfm?organization_id =4 Activity 2: Identify various Ohio laws, and discuss the relationship between classroom rules. Work together to write laws for the classroom, and consequences for breaking them. ~~Ex: jail time=detention
GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES Activity 3: Field trip to local government building (mayor’s office, court building, etc.). Activity 4: Discuss the role of taxation to provide goods and services. Review various tax rates for cities across the state. Establish a tax system for the classroom. Money raised can be donated to charity, used for class party, etc.
GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES Activity 5: Identify local and state leaders. Create a classroom campaign to nominate a class president and vice president. Students will create slogans, posters, and give a speech on their plans.
GOVERNMENT WEBSITES fm fm &msg= &msg=
CITIZENSHIP RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES Participation Rights and Responsibilities
CITIZENSHIP RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES ACTIVITIES Activity 1: Revisit the role of voting, obeying laws, and paying taxes. Have class create posters encouraging people to have responsibility of citizenship. Activity 2: Analyze a local or state business (ex: Esther Price, Proctor & Gamble). Take a field trip and interview founder (if possible) to learn of hardships and victories.
CITIZENSHIP RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES ACTIVITIES Activity 3: Have class choose a service project. Learn about the organization (guest speaker, field trip, etc.). Lastly have a food/clothing drive or money collection to donate to the charity.
CITIZENSHIP RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES ACTIVITIES Activity 4: Participate in the Montgomery County Recycle Rally. There is a poster contest and a contest to see who can donate the most recycled goods. Activity 5: Plan a community event, or help to plan an event. Distribute flyers and have activities for children. Involve people from the community to donate materials and their time.
CITIZENSHIP RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES WEBSITES lly.htm lly.htm =oh&topic=homeless =oh&topic=homeless
SOCIAL STUDIES SKILLS & METHODS Obtaining Information Thinking & Organizing Communicating Information Problem Solving
SOCIAL STUDIES SKILLS & METHODS ACTIVITIES Activity 1: Analyze charts/bar graphs of cities in Ohio. Compare populations, economic status, size of cities, etc. Give each student information on different cities and have them create a graph to show data.
SOCIAL STUDIES SKILLS & METHODS ACTIVITIES Activity 2: Review old artifacts and documents of Ohio history. Create a class time capsule for future generations. Include letters, magazine clippings, and other memorabilia. Activity 3: Invite a guest speaker who has Ohio “roots” who may share oral stories, pictures, and documents of Ohio history and his/her life.
SOCIAL STUDIES SKILLS & METHODS ACTIVITIES Activity 4: Provide students with worksheets asking various questions about Ohio. (Ex: “What is the largest city?” “What is the state insect?”). Go to the computer lab and allow time to use a search engine or pre-determined websites.
SOCIAL STUDIES SKILLS & METHODS ACTIVITIES Activity 5: Revisit early Ohio settlement and relationships with Native Americans. Work in teams to identify the problem created with these two cultures; gather information, consider options, and choose a solution. Have the class pretend to go back and time and see how their change/solution would affect today’s society.
SOCIAL STUDIES SKILLS & METHODS WEBSITES markable_ohio/index.cfm markable_ohio/index.cfm /namerica/usstates/oh.htm /namerica/usstates/oh.htm