Unite and Deliver An update Francesco Galtieri UN Development Operations Coordination Office (DOCO), New York JPO Workshop, Maputo, May 2009
As countries develop, the world is changing, and the international aid architecture is changing too
We have the vision and the opportunity to improve the UN development system.
The main goals is helping the UN focus on its comparative advantages in the new aid environment. Net ODA from OECD DAC countries to multilateral institutions at constant 2006 prices and exchange rates (millions USD)
UN Coherence builds on the existing reform agenda set by UN member states
The UN Development Group has become the third pillar of the Chief Executives Board. Programming guidance and tools for country-level coherence * Global policies and coordination * Coordination of country level operations High-level UN system policy decisions CEB HLCMUNDG UNDG Working groups HLCP ECHA
Chief Executives Board CHAIR High-Level Committee on Management CHAIR United Nations Development Group Working Group on Resident Coordinator System Issues Working Group on Joint Funding, Financial and Audit Issues Working Group on Country Office Business Operations Issues Working Group on Programming Issues UNDG-ECHA Working Group on Post-Crisis Transition Executive Committee on Humanitarian Affairs UNDG Advisory Group Development Operations Coordination Office CHAIR High-Level Committee on Programmes CEB Secretariat United Nations Development Group structure within the Chief Executives Board UN Country Teams (136) Regional Directors Teams (6)
The UNDG is driving the UN development system to become more strategic, coordinated and aligned with national priorities. Common Country Assessments and UN Development Assistance Frameworks Harmonised and simplified programming cycles, tools and procedures Joint programming Stronger Resident Coordinator System Reduced transaction costs Better quality assurance and oversight
The Development Operations Coordination Office supports the RC System and the UNDG. UNDG RC System Support to the RC System and enhanced coordination of country operations. Introduce and apply agreed new ways of working together at country level. Support UNDG mechanisms developing better ways to work together at country level. DOCO
The UNDG has agreed to support both the pilots and UNDAF roll-out countries.
The Management and Accountability Framework of the UN Development and Resident Coordinator System will make the UN a more effective force for development.
The Management and Accountability Framework outlines a concept of governance and accountability for the UN development system and the RC System, including a “functional firewall”.
At the country level, the agreed long-term vision is that the Resident Coordinator will have an equal relationship with, and responsibility to, all UNCT member agencies.
At the regional level, the Regional Directors' Teams will expand over time to be representative of organizations working at the country level. At the global level, the 13-member UNDG Advisory Group now regularly meets at both Principals and ASG/ADG levels, assisting the UNDG Chair.
UN staff benefit from working together and delivering better. Together: We can deliver better support. We can have a stronger voice. We can learn from each other. We can mobilise more resources and use them more effectively.
Together we can achieve more and use our time in more rewarding ways. Working together helps us do more. Working together is part of becoming more effective, efficient and relevant. It can make the UN a better place to work.
Together we can improve our skills, knowledge, assessments, and careers. Working together effectively can improve our performance assessments. Working together can increase our career options.
The Pilots have made real progress and have put into place the necessary processes, planning mechanisms and joint programming.
The governments are taking more ownership, and the UN is better aligned with their priorities. One Programme signing ceremony, Viet Nam
The pilots are successfully applying joint programming, analysis and prioritization.
UN agencies better understand each others’ mandates, expertise and business models.
The Pilots have made a lot of progress and are working to resolve many challenges Tanzania: Resident Coordinator’s Office staff with their One Programme document.
The Pilots are on their way to making significant savings and improvements. Viet Nam: A Green One UN house for all 16 UN organisations.
It’s a challenge to balance inclusiveness with strategic focus and authority with accountability. Regional Directors meeting, Uruguay
A three-stage evaluation process has been proposed. It would conclude in 2011.
The Secretary-General and General Assembly have recognized progress made and want more. We are here to act. We are here to deliver results. We are agents of change. Our job is to change the UN, and through it, the world.
Increased coherence, effectiveness and relevance Increased coherence, effectiveness and relevance 1.UN Programme 2.Common Services and harmonized business practices 3.Joint Communication 4.Common Premises 5.Common budgetary framework and joint resource mobilization 6.Organizational change: leadership, structure, skills, culture Depending on your UNCT, coherence can involve up to six work streams.
UN Coherence is best achieved through six steps and three ongoing processes: 1.Initiate and mobilize 2.Prioritize and set outcomes 3.Determine strategy 4.Plan organizational changes 5.Develop implementation plan 6.Implement 7.Ongoing: Monitor and Evaluate 8.Ongoing: Communicate about change 9.Ongoing: Coordinate change 1.Initiate and mobilize 2.Prioritize and set outcomes 3.Determine strategy 4.Plan organizational changes 5.Develop implementation plan 6.Implement 7.Ongoing: Monitor and Evaluate 8.Ongoing: Communicate about change 9.Ongoing: Coordinate change
Initiate and mobilize Agree to proceed Mobilize support Establish roles Concept Paper Design Workshop Mission and Vision Plan of Engagement Step 1
Prioritize and set outcomes Country Assessment Map Capacity Baseline Assess comparative advantage Assess stakeholders Strategic Prioritization Workshop Revise plan of engagement Step 2
Determine strategy Develop UN Programme Needs and requirements for non- programme work-streams Results matrices M&E matrices Strengthen leadership roles UN Business Strategy Step 3
Plan organizational changes Review business process Plan structural changes Identify capacity requirements Make HR plan Revise performance management Make plan to change culture Step 4
Develop implementation plan Step 5
Implement Step 6
Monitor and Evaluate Set up interagency M&E group (at step 1) Define indicators (at step 3) Identify baselines (at step 2) Develop M&E plan (at step 4&5) Conduct M&E (during step 6) Step 7
Communicate about UN Coherence Form a UN Communications Group or strengthen your existing one. Develop a communication strategy for UN Coherence. Communicate to stakeholders. Step 8
Coordinate change and ongoing implementation Assign roles and responsibilities Establish governance structure Develop budget tracking approach Produce progress reports Step 9
Together we can help more people attain prosperity and equality and realize their rights. Regional UN Coherence Meeting, Malawi