CCTA Peer Analysis June 2014
What’s New in this Peer Analysis Last group of peers was chosen in 2003 CCTA has “outgrown” that set of peers –Used to be near the peer average but now at the top –Large increase in commuter service Commuter Bus mode introduced by NTD –Allows for separate analysis of commuter stats –Commuter routes now comprise more than 30% of all of CCTA urban service
New Peer Groups Regular Local Bus service –23 peer agencies representing 14 states –11 of these were in the prior set of peers –All serve small cities with significant college populations Commuter Bus service –14 peer agencies representing 9 states –Operate between 3 and 14 peak buses (CCTA operates 12 peak commuter buses)
Local Bus Peers Short NameAgencyCity State Transfort*TransfortFort CollinsCO NorwalkNorwalk Transit DistrictNorwalkCT WaterburyCTTransit WaterburyWaterburyCT PeoriaGreater Peoria Mass Transit DistrictPeoriaIL Springfield*Springfield Mass Transit DistrictSpringfieldIL Bloomington*Bloomington Public Transportation Corp.BloomingtonIN Fort WayneFort Wayne Public Transportation Corp.Fort WayneIN South BendSouth Bend Public Transportation Corp.South BendIN Merrimack*Merrimack Valley Regional Transit AuthorityHaverhillMA Lowell*Lowell Regional Transit AuthorityLowellMA WorcesterWorcester Regional Transit AuthorityWorcesterMA Portland*Greater Portland Transit DistrictPortlandME KalamazooKalamazoo Metro Transit SystemKalamazooMI DuluthDuluth Transit AuthorityDuluthMN St. Cloud*St. Cloud Metropolitan Transit CommissionSt. CloudMN Tompkins*Tompkins Consolidated Area TransitIthacaNY Broome*Broome County Dept of Public TransportationVestalNY Youngstown*Western Reserve Transit AuthorityYoungstownOH ReadingBerks Area Reading Transportation AuthorityReadingPA BlacksburgBlacksburg TransitBlacksburgVA Charlottesville*Charlottesville Area TransitCharlottesvilleVA EverettEverett TransitEverettWA CharlestonKanawha Valley Regional Transportation Auth.CharlestonWV *In prior peer set
Service Area Population 93, ,332
Service Area Student Population 15,975 14,900
Revenue Hours – Local Bus 102,291 92,383
Annual Ridership – Local Bus 2,566,267 2,530,488
Productivity Local Bus
Boardings per Vehicle Revenue Mile
Boardings per Vehicle Revenue Hour
Cost Efficiency Local Bus
Cost per Vehicle Revenue Mile $7.28 $7.98
Cost per Vehicle Revenue Hour $93.72$92.31
Cost per Passenger $3.74 $3.37
Operating Subsidy per Passenger Trip $3.19 $2.55
Fares Local Bus
Base Fare $1.24$1.25
Monthly Pass $39.67 $50.00
Commuter Bus Peers Short NameAgencyCityState Yuba-SutterYuba-Sutter Transit AuthorityMarysvilleCA Santa CruzSanta Cruz Metropolitan Transit DistrictSanta CruzCA Merrimack*Merrimack Valley Regional Transit AuthorityHaverhillMA St. Cloud*St. Cloud Metropolitan Transit CommissionSt. CloudMN AlbanyCapital District Transportation AuthorityAlbanyNY AkronMETRO Regional Transit AuthorityAkronOH Laketran Grand RiverOH CascadesCentral Oregon Intergovernmental CouncilBendOR YorkYork County Transportation AuthorityYorkPA SkagitSkagit TransitBurlingtonWA OlympiaIntercity TransitOlympiaWA OzaukeeOzaukee County Transit ServicesPort WashingtonWI WaukeshaCity of Waukesha Transit CommissionWaukeshaWI West BendWashington County TransitWest BendWI * Also Local Bus peer
Annual Revenue Trips – Commuter 9,290 13,260
Annual Ridership – Commuter Bus 146, ,161
Productivity Commuter Bus
Boardings per Vehicle Revenue Trip
Boardings per Vehicle Revenue Trip CCTA figure excludes “revenue deadheads”
Cost Efficiency Commuter Bus
Cost per Vehicle Revenue Mile $4.66 $2.87
Cost per Vehicle Revenue Hour $ $88.17
Cost per Passenger $9.67 $7.39
Operating Subsidy Per Passenger Trip $6.84 $4.32
Fares – Commuter Bus Base and pass fares tend to vary within agencies due to fare zones and different route lengths Typical figure is between $3.50 and $5.00 per trip, in line with CCTA Typical pass cost is between $110 and $135 per month, again in line with CCTA
Funding Sources All but one of the Local Bus peers (Transfort) received some State funding All but two of the Local Bus peers (Waterbury and Youngstown) received some Local funding The Peer Average for directly generated funds was 25% - the same as CCTA
State Funds as a Percentage of Operating Funds 34% 19%
Local Funds as a Percentage of Operating Funds 21% 23%
Local & State Funds as a Percentage of Operating Funds 40% 57%
AVL and Real-Time Information Local Bus Peers –7 currently have this technology –3 will implement within the next year –2 others in process within the next two years –11 have no immediate plans Commuter Bus Peers –3 currently have this technology –11 do not have it but several are considering it
Real-Time Software Bloomington, IN uses (as did South Bend in a trial that was discontinued due to cost) Duluth uses Trapeze Intercity in Olympia uses One Bus Away Transfort, Albany, and Worcester use Clever Devices Kalamazoo uses Avail Technologies Blacksburg uses homegrown software