Peggy E. Downard Manager, Workers' Compensation Self Insured Workers' Compensation Program
Nearly 100 Years in the Tire Business 2 Cooper's rich, storied history dates to 1914 Giant Tire & Rubber Company employees pose for group photo, 1917 Ira J. Cooper Women work to produce pontoon boats during WWII Cooper's early business plan: a square deal
Keeping all facilities on the same page Created companywide guidelines on how to handle Workers' Compensation Utilized representatives from each facility, both union and non union representatives Union attends the SI conferences along with each of our facilities workers' compensation administrators Meet weekly with Union rep to discuss on-going cases Quarterly Claim Reserve Review, 1 off-site meeting with each plant and adjustor.
Strike/Lockout Strategy Deny all requests for Temporary Total after lockout date Schedule Independent Medical Exam (IME) as far out as possible Write letters to claimants indicating we had light duty available Existing Temporary Total claims – write attending physician asking for light duty restrictions/return to work Schedule IME for those still off to determine work ability Weekly phone conference with union workers' compensation representative to discuss claim status and quash rumors
Savings – Not just fee schedule 2011 StateTotal Fee ScheduleProfessionalPPOTotal Gr os s %Net % Service ROI BillsChargesReductionsReviewReductions Sa vin gs Fee Reductions & Cost to Charge Totals5946 $ 4,860, $ 1,030, $ 1,145, $ 625, $2,802, %53% $ 226, $ 12.35
Savings Continued 2010 Total Fee ScheduleProfessionalPPOTotalGross %Net %ServiceROI BillsChargesReductionsReviewReductions Savings Fee Reductions & Cost to Charge Totals6130 $ 5,086, $ 1,239, $ 1,222, $ 495, $ 2,957, %54% $ 190, $ 15.53
Future Job Safety Analysis Physical Demands Analysis Accident Reporting System Paperless Files
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