OARI-BARC ANNUAL RESEARCH ACTIVITIES REVIEW FEBRUARY, 2015 BARC Demonstration of Dairy Technologies in Peri-urban areas of Nekemte, Bako and Gimbi towns,


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Presentation transcript:

OARI-BARC ANNUAL RESEARCH ACTIVITIES REVIEW FEBRUARY, 2015 BARC Demonstration of Dairy Technologies in Peri-urban areas of Nekemte, Bako and Gimbi towns, Western Oromia, Ethiopia Habtamu Abera (Animal Genetics and Breeding) Oromia Agricultural Research Institute, Ethiopia

OARI-BARC ANNUAL RESEARCH ACTIVITIES REVIEW FEBRUARY, 2015 BARC Out line of presentation Introduction Materials and Methods Results Recommendation and Conclusion

OARI-BARC ANNUAL RESEARCH ACTIVITIES REVIEW FEBRUARY, 2015 BARC Introduction The total livestock population of the country is estimated to be 53 million cattle 98.8 % are indigenous breeds while hybrid and exotic breeds accounted for about 0.94% and 0.11%, respectively (CSA, 2013/14).

OARI-BARC ANNUAL RESEARCH ACTIVITIES REVIEW FEBRUARY, 2015 BARC  Indigenous cattle breeds of Ethiopia have a reputation for milk yield, long calving interval, and late age at first calving The demand in consumption of milk and milk product is steadily increasing in the country increasing urbanization, increase income, improving infrastructure,

OARI-BARC ANNUAL RESEARCH ACTIVITIES REVIEW FEBRUARY, 2015 BARC  Favorable enabling environment  globalization and marketing opportunities  Existing high potential for dairy development due to huge livestock resources and vast climatic conditions, the performance of the dairy industry in Ethiopia has not been encouraging

OARI-BARC ANNUAL RESEARCH ACTIVITIES REVIEW FEBRUARY, 2015 BARC The effort done by OARI, Bako Agricultural Research Center in demonstrating these dairy technologies played a significant role in changing the overall dairying scenario in wetern Oromia, Ethiopia.

OARI-BARC ANNUAL RESEARCH ACTIVITIES REVIEW FEBRUARY, 2015 BARC Objectives  To Introduce crossbred (50%) cows in peri- urban agriculture of Nekemte, Bako and Gimbi tows.  To generate and diversify the income of individuals through marketing surplus liquid milk and improving family nutrition

OARI-BARC ANNUAL RESEARCH ACTIVITIES REVIEW FEBRUARY, 2015 BARC Materials and Methods Study area The study was conducted in Nekemte, Gimbi and Bako towns of Western Oromia. The area is known to be mixed crop-livestock producers and reported to be the origin of both Horro sheep and Horro cattle.

OARI-BARC ANNUAL RESEARCH ACTIVITIES REVIEW FEBRUARY, 2015 BARC Heifer production and management One hundred and twenty fertile Horro cows were used for crossbred (Holstein Friesian- Horro) heifer production. Considering the conception rate, calving rate, mortality rate and 50:50 sex ratios, the number of cows required was increased.

OARI-BARC ANNUAL RESEARCH ACTIVITIES REVIEW FEBRUARY, 2015 BARC The heifers were reared on cow-calf management system assuming better performances than weaning system. Starting 15 months of age or when they weigh around 200 kg the heifers were closely be observed for service (AI or natural). After confirming pregnancy at 3 month the calf heifers were sold to the selected dairy farmers.

OARI-BARC ANNUAL RESEARCH ACTIVITIES REVIEW FEBRUARY, 2015 BARC Farmer selection A total of 25 dairy farmers from Nekemte, Gimbi, and Bako were selected based on  willingness/interest,  Capability to pay the initial cost of the inputs  Allocate at least ½ a hectare for improved forage production,  Experience in dairy production,  Tendency to pass on the technologies and capable for record keeping (education)

OARI-BARC ANNUAL RESEARCH ACTIVITIES REVIEW FEBRUARY, 2015 BARC In all sites the female candidates were at least 50%. This is because of the fact that dairy is the most gender related agricultural sector and also for the empowerment of the female households.

OARI-BARC ANNUAL RESEARCH ACTIVITIES REVIEW FEBRUARY, 2015 BARC Training and visit The training was given Economics, Extension, Animal feeds, Animal health, production and management). Animal Breeding

OARI-BARC ANNUAL RESEARCH ACTIVITIES REVIEW FEBRUARY, 2015 BARC Data collection and analysis  Monitoring and evaluation were a continuous process, at three months of interval, three year.  Data were collected daily milk yield, milk price and milk consumed by house hold and the calves  Data were analysis by using General linear model SAS, (2004), descript statistics and excel.

OARI-BARC ANNUAL RESEARCH ACTIVITIES REVIEW FEBRUARY, 2015 BARC Results  The results were revealed that the total daily milk yield improved by five fold through improving the gene of Horro breeds  The overall mean Holstein Friesian-Horro of daily milk yield was 12.4, 6.9 and 7.8 l/day at Nekemte, Bako and Gimbi, respectively

OARI-BARC ANNUAL RESEARCH ACTIVITIES REVIEW FEBRUARY, 2015 BARC Higher altitude and more temperate areas of Sub-Saharan Africa crossbred cattle can out yield indigenous stock four fold, provided that modest improvement are made in their management and nutritious

OARI-BARC ANNUAL RESEARCH ACTIVITIES REVIEW FEBRUARY, 2015 BARC The utilization of the dairy technology benefited farmers not only increased daily income of household but also assisted in diversifying the source of incomes. In addition to improved daily income, economic and social benefits also accrued to participating farmers. These included enhanced food security, improved investment opportunities and change the life standard of the participating farmers.

OARI-BARC ANNUAL RESEARCH ACTIVITIES REVIEW FEBRUARY, 2015 BARC Recommendation and Conclusions The results were showed that crossbred (Holstein Friesian-Horro) cows (50% ) are benefited, which improve milk production and income of the participating household. Increased the demand of farmers to have more number of crossbred cows and initiated the demand of non-project farmers, AI service to produce F1 heifers (Estrous synchronization), dairy investment and F1 heifer’s multiplication center.

OARI-BARC ANNUAL RESEARCH ACTIVITIES REVIEW FEBRUARY, 2015 BARC Therefore, it is seemed concluded that the daily milk and income of small scale farmers improved through crossbreeding of indigenous with exotic breeds with reasonable management of the animals.

OARI-BARC ANNUAL RESEARCH ACTIVITIES REVIEW FEBRUARY, 2015 BARC Horro Sheep (Rams) Horro cattle (Bull) Rhodes grass