Dairy Cattle
Terms Bull: intact male Steer: neutered male Cow: female after calving Heifer: female before calving Calf: baby
Background Brought to America in 1624 to Plymouth Colony, MA Wisconsin and California leading states in milk production Minnesota ranks 6 th for milk production
Breeds Page 595 in Agriscience Fundamentals & Applications
Growth Calving: giving birth Freshening: producing milk after calf is born Colostrum: First milk given, contains nutrients and antibodies Calves are separated from the cow; fed with a bottle, progress to a bucket until on solid feed Cows milked 2x a day, sometimes 3x Milked 305 days (10 months) – called lactation
Digestion Ruminant System - 4 compartmental stomach
Feeding Forage – foundation for feed –Alfalfa hay –Grass hay Concentrate – protein, carbs, fats –Corn –Cottonseed –Barley –Wheat –Distillers grains Water: Most Important!! –Drink 29 gallons (full bathtub)
Products Milk –Cheese –Ice Cream –Butter –Yogurt –Sour Cream Dairy: 70% Calcium in US Food 10 lbs Milk= 1 lb. of Cheese