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Presentation transcript:


BRASIL FLUX NETWORK OPEN ACCESS DATABASE  This dataset is an assimilation of eddy flux data that was independently produced and generously provided by the PIs of a variety of tower projects in the Amazon of Brazil.  This integrated dataset is intended to facilitate integrative studies and data-model synthesis from a common reference point.  Please note that the availability of this common dataset notwithstanding, the data sharing policy still requires any author or presenter of this data to contact and appropriately credit PIs from individual projects that generated the data used.

BRASIL FLUX NETWORK OPEN ACCESS DATABASE Principal Contact: S. Saleska For technical help and comments please contact: N. Restrepo-Coupe Individual sites Principle Investigators: K34: Manzi, A., Nobre, A. (INPA, Brazil) K67: Wofsy, S. (Harvard University, USA), Saleska, S. (U. of Arizona, USA), Camargo, A. CENA/USP, Brazil). K83: Goulden M. (UC Irvine, USA), Miller, S. (SUNY, Albany, USA), da Rocha, H. (USP, Brazil). CAX: Sa, L. (Museo Goeldi), da Rocha, H. (USP, Brazil) K77: Fitzjarrald, D. (SUNY, Albany, USA) RJA: Manzi, A. (INPA, Brasil), Cardoso, F. (UFR, Brazil.) FNS: Waterloo, M.( Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands), Manzi, A. (INPA, Brazil) JAV: da Rocha, H. (USP, Brazil)

BRASIL FLUX NETWORK OPEN ACCESS DATABASE Differences between version 1.0 and 2.0  C-flux products added: Gross Ecosystem Exchange, Ecosystem Respiration, filled Net Ecosystem Exchange, using different methods  Canopy storage (Sco2) analysis added  LBA-DMIP drivers added  New variables added: Top of the Atmosphere radiation, filled PAR, among others  Change time vector from local time to UTM  Additional QAQC added  Pe-de-Gigante atmospheric pressure corrected accordingly to near-by study site (mean adjusted) probably a problem with the calibration of the sensor Future work  After comments and suggestions the database would be delivered as NetCDF files

BRASIL FLUX NETWORK OPEN ACCESS DATABASE Method to obtain C-flux calculations: GEP and Re from EC observations  Re: Fourier transform (Richardson et al and Papale et al) and moving average (as in Restrepo-Coupe et al.).  GEP: Look up table (as in Restrepo-Coupe et al.) and rectangular hyperbola (as in Falge et al.).  Combinations of 4 methods  Data processing and analysis as described in the paper submitted to Agricultural and Forest Meteorology: Restrepo-Coupe et al. What drives the seasonality of photosynthesis across the Amazon basin? A cross-site analysis of eddy flux tower measurements from the Brasil flux network. In review Canopy storage analysis, Sco2 methods:  Restrepo-Coupe, N., et al. Gross Ecosystem Productivity Seasonality in the Tropics: Issues Posed by the Absence of CO2 Profile Measurements at Eddy-Flux Systems, in preparation