Investing in the future of Allamakee, Chickasaw, Clayton, Fayette, Howard & Winneshiek Counties Teresa Wiemerslage Iowa State University Extension
Map of tributaries and water resources
The Problem: Producers observed a disconnect between downtown businesses and the ag community.
“Why don’t we grow our own food in the American Heartland?”
Why Local Food Fits
Above Average… 7417 Farms; County Average = 1236 Source: 2007 Ag Census CountyFarms Acres in farming Average Farm Size Allamakee103271%266 Chickasaw103790%279 Clayton165579%247 Fayette139885%298 Howard87789%318 Winneshiek141885%221 State Avg93892%331
Total Ag Sales = $1.25 billion 59% of farm income is from livestock Source: 2007 Ag Census County Crop Sales (million) Livestock Sales (million) Allamakee$35.526%$97.274% Chickasaw$98.644%$ % Clayton$86.838%$ % Fayette$ %$ % Howard$91.853%$82.647% Winneshiek$71.436%$ % State Avg$10.3 B51%$10.1 B49%
Sold $1.3 M of food directly to consumers. 2 nd Allamakee: $329,000 7 th Winneshiek: $282, apple orchards 47 vegetable farms Source: 2007 Ag Census
$3.5 million in organic sales 10% of the certified organic farms in Iowa 26% of the total organic sales for the state State Ranking: Organic Sales 1 st Winneshiek 2 nd Allamakee 6 th Howard 8 th Clayton Source: 2002 Ag Census
CountyFood at home (million $) Food away from home (million $) Total (million $) Allamakee Clayton Fayette Howard Winneshiek Total109 (56%)84 (44%)193 Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics Dollars Spent on Food each Year Total Income = $1.29 Billion
Currently in NE Iowa, less than 1% of food is locally purchased. Shifting 25% of food spending to local sources would stimulate the local economy with 48 million dollars. By purchasing 25% of fruits and vegetables locally, it would create 204 jobs and $10.8 million in labor income and $91 million in total economic activity in the region. Local food systems have local benefits
The Impact
1. Creation of a learning community
Organization Over 100 members on listserve Monthly meetings in Decorah Member, partner driven Coordinated by ISU Extension Additional assistance from grant staff, partners, Americorp Current grants: FFI, Leopold Center, IDALS, Community Vitality Center
1. Creation of a learning community Geographic Based Function based (diversify) Help producers diversify Explore regional processing, storage Increase consumption FFI brings broader focus
2. Developed a strategic plan
NE Iowa Food & Farm Coalition Active Living Work Group Regional Youth Work Group Regional School Work Group
3. Facilitated institutional purchases of local foods Local Food Breakfasts Clarified policy of use of local foods Farm to School Local food directory and website Producer workshops
4. Expanded the growing season Plantpeddler Greenhouse tours Certified kitchen Investigating storage and processing
5. Engaging schools Comprehensive Farm to School School gardens Food service education Teacher education Cross-age teaching Home Grown School Lunch Week
6. Increased commitment to buying local Luther College – 35% by 2012 Sodexho discussions Food safety education for producers
6. Increased commitment to buying local Local food sales Total sales , Previous54, $67, New12, Previous149, $638, New488, Table 1. Sales of locally grown foods by producers in August June 09.
6. Increased commitment to buying local Increased purchases by institutions from local producers in Local food purchases Total purchases 2007$94, Previous$313, $320, New$19, Previous$507, $544, New$37,452.22
7. Leverage funding and expertise Producer mini-grants Year# Grants Mini-Grant Amt $ Leveraged 2010?$12,000.00? , , , , , ,723.60
7. Leverage funding and expertise Leopold Center & partners WK Kellogg Foundation Iowa Department of Agriculture Community Vitality Center Iowa Farm Bureau Iowa Women in Agriculture NE IA Business Network Since 2006: $65,190 $500,000 Mini Grant match Total = $969,583 (Oct 2009)
POLICIES: State fruit and vegetable policy for institutions Iowa Cattlemen's Association adopt new policy to support local markets Working with schools on procurement of local foods Policy & System Change Will Drive Our Work
Investing in the future of Allamakee, Chickasaw, Clayton, Fayette, Howard & Winneshiek Counties