International Skills Cooperation Dr Melissa McEwen Branch Manager, Skills and Governance.


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Presentation transcript:

International Skills Cooperation Dr Melissa McEwen Branch Manager, Skills and Governance

There is international interest in Australia’s VET system Global competitiveness Pathway to escape middle income trap Skills are a crucial enabler

A global skills labour market has emerged global labour rose 1.2 billion to 2.9 billion – set to grow another 600 million to reach 3.5 billion by 2030 Globalisation and technological change – 1.1 billion non-farm jobs created in developing economies Skills mismatch between labour supply and employer demand There will be a global shortfall of 85 million high and medium-skilled workers by 2020 Two fundamentals for growth: skills development + job creation 3

Australia needs to make the most of this global opportunity 7 million internationally mobile students by % will seek English language education Australia already trains 150,000 international students onshore and 50,000 offshore

Government can help by making the conditions right National Strategy for International Education Strengthening international skills engagement Benchmarking occupational standards Developing international courses

We all need to think beyond traditional delivery models Beyond full qualifications and traditional delivery models Digital Solutions Scalable business models Working with industry and new partners

India: future skills Joanna Wood Director, International Skills Cooperation: South Asia and Pacific

India’s skilling challenge is Australia’s opportunity

Challenges for modern India 10 Skills training Infrastructure Urban migration Population

India’s biggest need is mid-level skills Sources: Forbes India Magazine (July 2013); Draft National Policy for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (Government of India) 11 By 2022, there will be a surplus of 24 million people in agriculture Future employment demand is in technical skills Only 2.3% of the Indian workforce have formal qualifications Growth in labour requirements by 2020

Australian training providers face four key challenges in India Business model in India is high volume, low cost. Government of India will only pay approximately AUD 200 per student Adapting Australian training products to meet local demand Capacity of Australian RTOs to build a business to meet India’s demand for skills training Competitor countries are engaging strongly in India 12

Australia is making progress India needs 70,000 Trainers immediately and another 20,000 per year International Training and Assessment Courses developed by the Australian Government are being piloted in India Australian RTOs are gaining some entry into the Indian education market Australia has benchmarked 23 qualifications to Indian qualifications Source: Planning Commission (Government of India),

New International Training Products based on industry standards Benchmarking International Training and Assessment Courses International collaboration between industry, government and training providers Courses adapted from Australian industry standard to address regional challenges TVET Trainer TVET Assessor Advanced TVET Trainer and Assessor Pilot programme in India 14 Development of core occupational standards Development of training standards Tailor training to meet needs of industry

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