Agriculture Chapter 10
Primary, Secondary, Tertiary Sectors Half the professions in LDC are agriculture based, <5% are in MDC. Cultural and environmental influence agricultural practices.
Two Types of Farmers MDC - CommercialLDC - Subsistence
K1: OBJECTIVES Origins of Agriculture Subsistence and Commercial Agriculture
Yo’Momma Yo’ momma was a Gatherer. Yo’ daddy was a Hunter and you a farmer.
Origins of Agriculture What is Agriculture? Both plants & animals to obtain sustenance or economic gain.
Diffused from Multiple Hearths
Domesticated Animals
Subsistence and Commercial Agriculture LDC/ Subsistence: food for consumption by the farmer/family. MDC/ Commercial: food sold off the farm. 5 Principals to Distinguish the Two? 1) Purpose 2) % of farmers 3) Machinery 4) Farm size 5) Relationship of farming to other business.
Purpose & Percentage Subsistence farmers purpose to feed family. Surplus is sold locally (bonus). Commercial farmers sale off the farm to large food processing companies % of Farmers/Labor Force: declining rapidly bc push/pull factors
Machinery & Farm Size Technology, transportation, scientific advances, Farm Size: MDC farms average 450 acres (family owned) Commercial farms make up 5% of farms but 75% of output. Prime agriculture land: urban sprawl encroaching on farm land.
Relationship of Farming to Other Business Commercial Farming (AGRIBUSINESS): food production pipeline. 20% of jobs in US are related to agribusiness (food processing, packaging, storing, distributing, and retailing)