29 May 2012 Committed to Connecting the World World ITU Seventh ITU Symposium on ICTs, the Environment and Climate Change 29 May 2012 Montreal, Canada Saba Imru ITU Telecommunication Standardization Bureau Image: Nancy Margulies
29 May 2012 Committed to Connecting the World Innovation & discovery in collaborative conversations Understand complexity Explore the views of all stake-holders Test ideas and assumptions together Create new knowledge collectively Generate innovative solutions Originators of The World Café: Juanita Brown PhD & David Isaacs
29 May 2012 Committed to Connecting the World What it looks like Images: cc theworldcafe; Rae Paladin, TSB
29 May 2012 Committed to Connecting the World A change of pace Informal, relaxed Frame-breaking Highly interactive All-inclusive Connects Images: Rae Paladin, TSB
29 May 2012 Committed to Connecting the World Goals for this World Café Working session of the ITU Seventh ITU Symposium on ICTs, the Environment and Climate Change Ensure active involvement of all participants Facilitate exchanges and networking Consolidate a community of interest Connect global minds Create the foundations for the future we want
29 May 2012 Committed to Connecting the World Who uses The World Café ?
29 May 2012 Committed to Connecting the World Business Worlds largest producer and exporter of crude oil. Over 50,000 employees, 100,000 contractors. A first World Café in 2003 on strategic planning for their Engineering and Operations Department Over 700 participants Saudi Aramco Image: cc theworldcafe
29 May 2012 Committed to Connecting the World Government & civil society Bilbao 2008, A World Café on introducing innovation as a core value in the local communities. 770 participants representing many stakeholders: regional government, academia, R&D, business, health, social services, arts. Basque Agency for Innovation Image: cc theworldcafe
29 May 2012 Committed to Connecting the World Academia Strategic insights for academic program development Designing curriculum World Café as a research system Fielding Graduate University Image: cc theworldcafe
29 May 2012 Committed to Connecting the World International Organizations ITU Telecommunication Standardization Bureau 7 April 2011, Geneva A World Café on innovation challenges and how to be the best SDO secretariat for the ITU-T membership Image: Rae Paladin, TSB
29 May 2012 Committed to Connecting the World World ITU Green Standards Week 9 September 2011, Rome, Italy A World Café as last and conclusive session of the Workshop on Submarine Cables for Ocean/Climate Monitoring and Disaster Warning: Science, Engineering, Business and Law Result: Joint Task Force ITU, UNESCO/IOC and WMO
29 May 2012 Committed to Connecting the World World ICT Innovations 19 March 2012, Geneva A World Café as working session for the ITU Workshop on "ICT Innovations To determine the key topics to be studied by the newly created Focus Group on Bridging the Gap: From Innovation to Standards and its working methods. Image: Kevin Quinto, TSB
29 May 2012 Committed to Connecting the World and many more…… Academia University of California MIT Organizational Learning University of Texas University of Michigan Businesses Nokia Telia Ericsson Intel Shell Petroleum Coca Cola Walt Disney Chevron Hewlett-Packard Agilent Government and civil society Scandinavian Sustainability Forum European Union Ministry of Information Singapore Ministry of Education United Arab Emirates
29 May 2012 Committed to Connecting the World How it works Three conversation rounds, each triggered by a question At each round – Explore questions together – Reflect & summarize At the end of the round, change table and meet new people Image: Nancy Margulies
29 May 2012 Committed to Connecting the World The knowledge is in the room
29 May 2012 Committed to Connecting the World Innovative Thinking Image: Rae Paladin, TSB
29 May 2012 Committed to Connecting the World Collaborative Talking Image: Rae Paladin, TSB
29 May 2012 Committed to Connecting the World Connect different perspectives Image: Nancy Marguiles
29 May 2012 Committed to Connecting the World Harvest and share outcome Image: Rae Paladin, TSB
29 May 2012 Committed to Connecting the World See you at the World Café !