WPIAL Athletic Directors March 7, 2012 Safety in Youth Sports Act
Interpretation of the Act Educational Programming List of Appropriate Medical Professionals Things to consider Questions to answer Resources Contact information Goals
Who –Essentially covers any coach, athlete, and parent involved in interscholastic athletics and school sponsored organizations What –Educate coaches, athletes and parents involved in athletic activities about the management of concussions –Ensure that an athlete who sustains a concussion is removed from play and evaluated by an appropriate medical professional –Safely return the athlete to play through medical clearance When –July 1, 2012 Foundation for the Act
Collection of forms from all parents and athletes acknowledging that they have received and reviewed an online concussion and traumatic brain information sheet developed by the Department of Health and Department of Education. –Currently, this form is not on the DOH or DOE website –What if a parent doesn’t have internet access? –Will hard copies be available? How will it be distributed? Who provides the copies? –Which form do the parents and athletes sign to acknowledge this content? Educational Materials
PIAA to meet on March 12 th to discuss incorporating the form into CIPPE –What if athletes on club sports or other activities don’t complete the CIPPE? –How will their acknowledgement be collected? Educational Materials
CDC’s Parent/Athletic Information Sheet
You may hold a pre-season informational meeting about the management of concussions for athletes, parents, and coaches. –UPMC Sports Medicine is working on a standardized presentation and we would be willing to assist with this educational programming. –UPMC Sports Medicine is willing to collaborate with neighboring schools to have regional presentations Informational Meeting
A student who, as determined by a game official, coach from the student’s team, certified athletic trainer, licensed physician, licensed physical therapist, or other official designated by the student’s school entity, exhibits signs or symptoms of a concussion or traumatic brain injury while participating in an athletic activity shall be removed by the coach from participation. –Once your coach is made aware that an athlete has concussion like symptoms, they can not play that athlete Removal from Play
A coach cannot return an athlete to play until cleared by an appropriate medical professional who is trained in the evaluation and management of concussions. –Licensed physician –Licensed neuropsychologist –Licensed or certified health care professional and designated by such licensed physician (Licensed athletic trainer) Return to Play
Each year, all coaches must complete the concussion management certification training course offered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( ml), the National Federation of State High School Associations ( or another provider approved by the Department of Health. mlhttp://nfhslearn.com/electiveDetail.aspx?courseID=15000 –Another program seeking this authorization is the Concussion Wise program which may be approved shortly. ( Training Course
It will be your responsibility to assure that every coach (including your club sports), every year, has completed one of these courses prior to coaching. Training Course
Your district is to enforce penalties for coaches who do not remove a concussed athlete from play or who return an athlete to play without the proper clearance. –1 st violation- suspension for the remainder of the season –2 nd violation- suspension for the remainder of the season and for the next season –3 rd violation- permanent suspension from coaching any athletic activity The Act states that these penalties take effect July 1, 2014 Penalties
Does your district have a concussion policy? –Include content from the Act –Medical management plan/protocols (consult your athletic trainer) –What is your recommendations on baseline testing? o The use of neurocognitive testing is not required by the Act o It can be included in the Informational Meeting –How preseason baseline assessments can aid in the evaluation, management and recovery process –Academic accommodations –Include non-athletes? –Based upon the school district’s resources and individual environment Other Things to Consider
How do you keep track of which coaches have received the required training? –Will you pick one course and implement that into your policy? –Designate computer lab time around coaches’ meeting? Questions remain –Ask questions to facilitate dialogue –Waiting direction from appropriate representatives Review the Act with your Solicitor Other Things to Consider
CDC – National Federation of State High School Associations – Pennsylvania Athletic Trainers Society (Access to Concussion Wise) – Resources