Jackie Graham and David Tyler Community Matters
Quirk Report “…optimising the use of public assets is not the primary objective: the over-riding goal is community empowerment”. “There are risks but they can be minimised and managed” “The secret is all parties working together”
Community Anchor Organisations ‘An organisation with responsibility for the well being of the local community sector, What is marginal to everyone else is core to the anchor. The anchor needs to work out how to protect, involve and provide a voice for its community. It also needs to build networks beyond the community, from the inside to the outside, building bridges across, creating pathways for communities to other communities and to employment and business’ Stephen Thake
Community Anchor Organisations Multi-purpose building run by community Home and support for community sector Base for activity, local services and meetings Base for community development Incubator for new groups and enterprises Community consultation and engagement Building social capital, community cohesion Focus for community volunteers
Managing Risk – Quirk Report Review the capacity of the organisation to take over the management and ownership of a public asset. Develop, fund and implement an agreed organisational development plan adopting quality standards. For example Community Matters VISIBLE standard for community centre organisations
Risk Different categories of risk – examples - Financial /commercial - Governance - Legal compliance - Reputation - Health & Safety
Risk of Transfer Organisation does not have the capacity/ability to manage the asset Organisation can’t afford to maintain the asset State aid rules prevent public support of a project Asset is captured by minority interest group Confusion about liability of organisation Little enterprise opportunity Little activity or usage of the building Poor reach into wider community Constantly changing corporate priorities
Asset or Liability Age and condition of the building Listed building? Location – safety, convenience, footfall, local transport, infrastructure Plans for the redevelopment of the area Proximity to local housing (potential for noise nuisance) Proximity of alternative venues Type and length of tenure, rent, repairing obligations, maintenance charges Profile and interests of the local community Capacity and willingness of the organisation to manage and develop it Small population in area of benefit Local public procurement policy
Start with a community development approach An ongoing partnership approach Capacity and skills of staff & trustees Leasehold transfer as affordable package - 3R’s Fourth R – Revenue: grant-aid & commissioning Joined-up approach between local departments Exit strategy in event of major problems Incremental approach - management an option How should it be approached?
How should it be tackled? Need for independent advice to community –Survey and DDA compliance –Tenure options – freehold/leasehold/other –Viability of building and plans for enterprise development –Full financial picture of transfer options Ensuring the building: –Is well managed –Is well used –Has extensive and inclusive reach into the community –Builds an active community –Maintains a wide variety of uses in line with community needs
Operating Standards for Community Organisations Background on VISIBLE “Becoming Visible” workbook a Voice to represent issues of local concern an Independent and politically neutral organisation a Service provider for local people an Initiator of projects to meet locally identified need a Builder of partnerships with other local orgs/ groups a strong a Local network of people and organisations a way to Engage people to become active in their communities Accreditation
Useful Resources Quirk Report Appendix A - Table of Risks Involved in Asset Transfer and Ways to Manage Them Charity commission guidance on risk management ns/charrisk ns/charrisk Community Matters VISIBLE Standards
Contact Details Jackie Graham North East Regional Co-ordinator Community Matters Baron Street London N1 9LL Telephone: