Panasonic Communications Co., Ltd. Communication Network Company “ KX-TVM50 KX-TVM200 Product Version 2.1 (Software Version V2.50 or Later) Edition 1.0 24th April, 2008 Panasonic Communications Co., Ltd. Communication Network Company
TVM Product Version 2.1 Improvements “ TVM Product Version 2.1 Improvements
Added or Improved Features List “ Added or Improved Features List 1. Support VMA Server (Voice Mail Assistant Server) 2. Support 8 digits Mailbox No. and Extension No. 3. Improvement of E-mail Schedule 4. 2-way recording message “save as new” 5. Mailbox password expiry
(Voice Mail Assistant Server) “ Support VMA Server (Voice Mail Assistant Server)
Support VMA Server (Voice Mail Assistant Server) “ “ Support VMA Server (Voice Mail Assistant Server) [Condition] - TVM software must be Version 2.1 (Main software is v.2.50 or later.) - KX-TVM50 must have the LAN interface option card (KX-TVM594) - The connection between PBX and TVM must be “DPT Integration” mode - The PA extension must have a mailbox in the TVM system - Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 is required. (Since PA version the installer will ask to install it.) Regarding VMA features, please refer to the PA V1.7.x documentation. LAN VMA Data PA Data DPT Integration VMA PA server TVM Mailbox: 101 PA <Available extension types> SLT APT DPT IP-PT IP Softphone (Except PS and SIP extension) VMA can not login to the mailbox of System Manager and Message Manager. Ext.101 PA client
Support 8 digits Mailbox No. “ Support 8 digits Mailbox No. and Extension No.
5 digits extension numbering “ Support 8 digits Mailbox No. and Extension No. V2.0 Specification TVM V2.0 5 digits VM Integration TVM V2.0 supports 5 digits mailbox. Ext.10001 5 digits extension numbering
Support 8 digits Mailbox No. and Extension No. “ Support 8 digits Mailbox No. and Extension No. V2.1 Specification The PCMC V2.0 can program 5 digits integration. TDA:MPR V5.0 TDE:MPR V2.0 DLC/DHLC:V5.002 TVM V2.1 5 digits VM Integration TVM V2.1 supports VM integration with 5-8 digits Mailbox No. and Extension No. Ext.10001 5 digits extension numbering
V2.1 Specification (Centralized VM) “ Support 8 digits Mailbox No. and Extension No. V2.1 Specification (Centralized VM) The new TVM PCMC (for TVM Ver.2.1) is required to program 6-8 digits integration Branch PBX PBX code:30 Main PBX PBX code:20 TVM V2.1 QSIG VoIP/ISDN 5-8 digits TDA MPR V5.0 TDE MPR V2.0 DLC/DHLC:V5.002 TDA MPR V5.0 TDE MPR V2.0 DLC/DHLC:V5.002 VM Integration Ext.500 Ext.20001 Ext.10001 5 digits extension numbering C-FWD 7+20+500
How to make the environment “ Support 8 digits Mailbox No. and Extension No. How to make the environment of 5 digits integration
Support 8 digits Mailbox No. and Extension No. “ Support 8 digits Mailbox No. and Extension No. V2.1 Specification The PCMC V2.0 can program 5 digits integration. TDA:MPR V5.0 TDE:MPR V2.0 DLC/DHLC:V5.002 Mailbox Extension 10001 10001 10002 10002 10003 10003 10004 10004 TVM V2.1 5 digits VM Integration TVM V2.1 supports VM integration with 5-8 digits Mailbox No. and Extension No. Ext.10001 5 digits extension numbering
Support 8 digits Mailbox No. and Extension No. “ Support 8 digits Mailbox No. and Extension No. 5 digits integration (1) Initialize TVM to make the 5 digits mailboxes 1 2 Set the 5 digits mailboxes for Manager 3
Support 8 digits Mailbox No. and Extension No. “ Support 8 digits Mailbox No. and Extension No. 5 digits integration (2) Quick Setup (1) 1 2
Support 8 digits Mailbox No. and Extension No. “ Support 8 digits Mailbox No. and Extension No. 5 digits integration (3) Quick Setup (2)
How to make the environment “ Support 8 digits Mailbox No. and Extension No. How to make the environment of 8 digits integration (Centralized VM)
V2.1 Specification (Centralized VM) “ Support 8 digits Mailbox No. and Extension No. V2.1 Specification (Centralized VM) The new TVM PCMC (for TVM Ver.2.1) is required to program 6-8 digits integration Branch PBX PBX code:30 Main PBX PBX code:20 TVM V2.1 QSIG VoIP/ISDN 5-8 digits TDA MPR V5.0 TDE MPR V2.0 DLC/DHLC:V5.002 TDA MPR V5.0 TDE MPR V2.0 DLC/DHLC:V5.002 VM Integration Ext.500 Mailbox Extension 10001 10001 73020001 73020001 Ext.20001 Ext.10001 5 digits extension numbering C-FWD 7+20+500
Set the 5 digits mailboxes for Manager “ Support 8 digits Mailbox No. and Extension No. 8 digits integration (1) The PCMC V2.1 should be required. Initialize TVM to make the 5 digits mailboxes of extensions (5 digits) in Main PBX by Quick Setup 1 2 Set the 5 digits mailboxes for Manager 3
Support 8 digits Mailbox No. and Extension No. “ Support 8 digits Mailbox No. and Extension No. 8 digits integration (2) The PCMC V2.1 should be required. Quick Setup (1) 1 2
Support 8 digits Mailbox No. and Extension No. “ Support 8 digits Mailbox No. and Extension No. 8 digits integration (3) The PCMC V2.1 should be required. Quick Setup (2) Set 8 digits
Extend the length of Mailbox Number “ Support 8 digits Mailbox No. and Extension No. 8 digits integration (4) The PCMC V2.1 should be required. Extend the length of Mailbox Number Thus extension length to 8 can be set in window 'PBX environment' and the mailbox length we need to set in the Command mode. Enter “MBXM 1” Enter “MAXL 8”
Disconnect and connect PCMC “ Support 8 digits Mailbox No. and Extension No. 8 digits integration (5) The PCMC V2.1 should be required. Disconnect and connect PCMC 1 2
Make the mailbox of 8 digits manually “ Support 8 digits Mailbox No. and Extension No. 8 digits integration (6) The PCMC V2.1 should be required. Make the mailbox of 8 digits manually For the branch PBX
Improvement of E-mail Schedule “ Improvement of E-mail Schedule
Improvement of E-mail Schedule “ Improvement of E-mail Schedule V2.0 Specification A subscriber can specify only 1 period to be able to send e-mails.
Improvement of E-mail Schedule “ Improvement of E-mail Schedule V2.1 Specification A subscriber can ‘Reverse’ the time frame to send e-mails. 1. Check the box The PCMC V2.1 is required.
2-way recording message as new “ 2-way recording message as new
2-way recording message as new “ 2-way recording message as new TVM V2.1 can save a 2-way recording as a new message. The new option is added in COS (Class of Service) settings. New Option : Two Way Recorded Message Save New Mode It is possible to select NEW or OLD to save a message of 2-way recording. 0 : “NO” (Save as OLD [default]) 1 : “YES” (Save as NEW) This option can be changed only “TWRN” (Utility Command). If the status of a message is NEW, TVM can notify a subscriber that a message has been left. TVM TDA Message Waiting Notification E-mail Integration Turn on MWL
2-way recording message as new “ 2-way recording message as new Class of Service 1 – 64, * (All) TWRN 1,1 You can set “Save as NEW” for COS 1. TWRN 1,0 You can set “Save as OLD” for COS 1. TWRN 1,1 Save as: 1: New 0: Old TWRN -i You can confirm the status. TWRN *,1 You can set “Save as NEW” for all COS. TWRN *,0 You can set “Save as OLD” for all COS.
Mailbox password expiry “ Mailbox password expiry
Your password has expired. “ Mailbox password expiry From the view point of security, we provide a new function that prompts Mailbox Owners to change their password at the expiry. When a TVM subscriber logs into his/her mailbox by pressing MW button or by dialing mailbox number after the password timer has expired, the TVM will ask the subscriber to change his/her password. (The user cannot set the same password as the previous one.) Unless the password is changed, no further action is available. This feature is applied for "Owner Service" of Subscriber, Message Manager, and System Manager. - Company Greeting No.32 TVM uses Company Greeting No.32 as “Password Expiry Message”. The system administrator must record Company Greeting No.32. As Company Greeting No.32 is used for all subscribers, it should be multilingual if required. Your password has expired. (Company Greeting No.32) Subscriber TVM
Your password has expired. “ Mailbox password expiry - Function “PWEX” command sets parameter for "Password Expiry". - Operand PWEX [COS No.], [Value] (1) COS No. Specify “COS No.”. The value range is 1-64, or *(All COS). (2) Value Specify the expiry days. 0: Disable 5-200: Enable (5-200 days) Subscribers have to change their passwords after the time has expired. Your password has expired. When 5 days is set as “Password Expiry”… A subscriber change or set a password. 5 days after… Subscriber Subscriber
(The period of validity ) “ Mailbox password expiry Class of Service 1 – 64, * (All) PWEX 1,5 You can set 5 days for COS 1. PWEX *,10 You can set 10 days for all COS. PWEX 1,5 The expiry days : 5 - 200 days (The period of validity ) PWEX -i You can confirm the status. PWEX 1,0 You can set “Disable” for COS 1. PWEX *,0 You can set “Disable” for all COS.
Mailbox password expiry “ Mailbox password expiry - Minimum Password Length If the value is "0", this feature does not work. That means that TVM does not ask the subscriber to change his/her password even if his/her password is already expired.
A subscriber does not need to change “ Mailbox password expiry - “Password Expiry” feature is not supported in VMA The subscriber can access to his/her mailbox by VMA without changing his/her password even if his/her password is already expired. Even if 5 days is set as “Password Expiry”… A subscriber does not need to change a password. A subscriber change or set a password. VMA 5 days after… Subscriber
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“ Edition 1.0 First release.