Write inside cover. Please Print. Use Pen. Write on 3 X 5 Card: Name Class Period Class Book number Condition Give to Mrs. Bryan
You have 5 minutes to complete the First Day Anatomy POGIL.
Please write your Name, Date, Class, Period in the upper right hand corner. Subject: First Day Anatomy POGIL Draw an Illustration 3: Write three things you learned. 2: Write two interesting facts I learned… 1: Write one remaining question.
Please take notes on Loose-Leaf Paper. Put a heading in the upper right hand corner with name, date, class, period Title on first line: Intro to Anatomy & Physiology
Greek morph- meaning 'shape, form‘ -ology which means 'the study of something‘ Branch of biology Scientific study of the forms and structure of organisms (like animals and plants) without consideration of function.
Greek ana- "up" + -tome "to cut“ anatom- a cutting up A branch of morphology. The science that studies the STRUCTURE of organisms bodies and their parts through dissection.
Structure Position Interactions between its various parts
Greek physio- of or relating to nature or natural functions The study of the FUNCTION of living things, including processes such as nutrition, movement, and reproduction (as organs, tissues, or cells). *What they do & How they do it!
Axial Portion: Head, Neck, Trunk Appendicular: Arms & Legs Several Body Cavities Layers of membranes w/in cavities Variety of organs & systems within cavities.
Dorsal (Posterior) Back Side Brain Cavity/Spinal Cavity Ventral (Anterior) Front Side Thoracic cavity/Abdominopelvic cavity. The abdominopelvic cavity is further divided into the abdominal cavity and pelvic cavity
Thoracic Chest Abdomen Stomach Pelvic Lower Abdomen Diaphragm: separates thoracic & pelvic cavities
Oral/Digestion Nasal Orbital Middle Ear
Serous Membrane Smooth Transparent Double layered Covers organs Outer Layer (Parietal) Inner Layer (Visceral) (lines organs) Serous Fluid = lubricating fluid
Pleura Lungs Pericardium Heart Peritoneum Organs
Activity 1: Organization of the Body Use Book! REMINDER: Supplies and Forms Due Monday!