St. Joseph, Hampton All-In Ministry Meeting September 24, 2014
Living Our Mission is an unprecedented $65 million campaign to build up the Church throughout the Catholic Diocese of Richmond.
“Discussions of money in Catholic parishes should not center on meeting basic organizational needs, but rather on spiritual growth and personal and world transformation.” ND Catholic Giving Study
Su St. Mary of the Annunciation Goal--$225, /3 of funds raised over goal
Parish Share up to Goal: $199,000 Establishing a Capital Projects Fund—$144,000 The parish anticipates significant renovation and maintenance requirements in the near future, such as a renovation of the church to enhance worship services. Dedicating this fund for critical infrastructure needs will give us the financial strength to address maintenance priorities and can help us carry out a comprehensive parish infrastructure plan. Developing a Comprehensive Infrastructure Plan—$25,000 In total, St. Joseph owns and uses 7 buildings to worship, serve, and build community; it is very expensive to operate and maintain them. Hiring a professional firm (architect /contractor) will enable us to develop a course of action that reduces our monthly infrastructure costs while providing space that supports all our ministries. Establishing an Endowment—$30,000 Creating an endowment will help ensure that St. Joseph stands as a firm witness to the faith for generations to come by providing investment income for the parish year after year.
6 St Joseph Parish Buildings Currently, it costs over $8,000 per month to operate and maintain the Parish buildings. Regular maintenance and service costs are going up. The Parish buildings and their associated systems are getting older and will probably require expensive system repairs or replacements; (i.e. roofs, heating/cooling, plumbing, electrical).
7 List of Parish Buildings and Primary Functions Building NamePurposeAddress 1.RectoryClergy Lodging410 Buckroe Ave 2.ChurchWorship Services 414 Buckroe Ave 3.Cordier HallAdmin/Mtgs/Social Events/Kitchen512 Buckroe Ave 4.Little White HouseMeetings: (HGRP/Youth Ministry)110 N. Sixth St 5.Fr. Joe’s HouseParish Thrift Shop112 N. Sixth St. 6.Marian CenterReligious Ed/K of C / Meetings620 Buckroe Ave 7.GarageStorage112 N. Sixth St.
8 Are the costs associated with the parish buildings sustainable over the long-term? Should the parish consider infrastructure options that reduce monthly costs while providing the space needed to support all requirements? What does the Parish truly need? Critical Questions – Looking Forward “Should not wait to figure this out when you can no longer pay the bills.”
9 Utilizing a portion of our Living Our Mission parish share to obtain subject matter expert information will enable the parish to effectively develop “possible” courses of action (COAs). The selected infrastructure COA should…. Effectively support all Parish functions Improve efficient / effective execution of Parish functions Reduce costs Enhance Parishioner experience in order to retain parishioners and grow the parish Course of Action Development - Parish Buildings “Possible” COAs: A: Modify / Renovate Existing Infrastructure as Required (Assess major systems for usable life) B: Retain / Renovate Church & Rectory; Consolidate Other Functions Into Multipurpose Facility C: Keep Existing Infrastructure (No Change) D: Combination Option
$65 Million Case for Support
Su Supporting Our Parishes - $22 million At least 1/3 of all funds raised Meet parish need Determined by parish
Su Developing Our Future Church - $14 million New Evangelization Ministry Fund Youth, Young Adult and Campus Ministry Endowment McMahon-Parater Foundation Tuition Assistance Endowment
Su Supporting Our Clergy - $13 million Seminarian Education & Advanced Education Endowment Priest Pension, Healthcare and Long Term Care Fund
Su Advancing Our Shared Mission - $16 million Distance Learning & Ministry Training Network Emergency Parish Capital Needs Grant Fund Diocesan Capital Fund Social Ministry Outreach & Mission Parish Endowment Annual Diocesan Appeal
Decisions of Faith Not equal gifts, but equal sacrifice Best Efforts Basis No Cathedraticum on Proceeds Distributions begin 3 months after campaign
Timeline at St. Joseph, Hampton Today: All-In Ministry Meeting October 18-19: Education Wknd. October 7, 8, 18: Gatherings October 25-26: Witness Wknd. October 27: Mailing November 8-9: Participation Wknd. Late November: Follow-up