OFFERS TRAINING REGARDING THE NATIONAL CATALOGUE OF PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Qualifications (educational field) Professional certificates (labor field)
VET Qualifications Qualification in Spanish VET Education 1.Senior Technician 2.Technician The training is arranged in: 1.Higher Level Training 2.Intermediate Vocational Training They are grouped into 1.26 profesional families
Admissions in Vocational Training Cycles VET Higher level VET middle level Procedure governed by the Order of 14 May 2007 of the Ministry of Education Unique Andalusian District 1.Complete offer. 2.Differentiated partial offer. (Classroom or e-learning) Professional Modules (no more than 1000 hours per year) 80% students with academic requirements 20% Students from test access 5% reserve grade students with disability
26 Professional families Agrarian Physical Activities and Sports Marine and Fishing Food Industry Chemistry Personal Image Health Socio-Cultural Services and Community Graphic Arts Sound and Vision Textile, Clothing and Leather Hospitality and Tourism Transportation and Vehicle Maintenance Glass and Ceramics Computer and Communications Administration and Management Trade and Marketing Building and civil engineering Installation and Maintenance Electrical and Electronics Wood, Furniture and Cork Mechanical manufacturing Energy and Water Safety and Environment Extractive Industries Arts and Crafts
Formal qualification in renewable energies in Spain The Spanish education system has a history curriculum that trains specialists in renewable energy. It is called "Renewable Energy Technician" hours (2 academic years) of which 400 are internships Regulated by Royal Decree 385/2011, of March 18, establishes the title of Upper Technician in Renewable Energies and their curricula in accordance with Royal Decree 1538/2006, of 15 December, regulating the general organization training in the education system.
Those who get this qualification exert his career in companies doing the promotion, installation, operation and maintenance of wind energy installations and solar photovoltaic electricity production. Also in companies of the generation, transport and distribution of electricity, or companies that have high voltage installations, as well as firms performing assembly and maintenance of electrical substations.
Manage the commissioning, operation and maintenance of wind farms. Operating in remote systems management of wind farms. Perform local operation and maintenance of wind farms, following security protocols and regulatory risk prevention. Evaluate work risk situations and to the environment relating to the assembly, operation and maintenance of wind turbines and wind farms, detailing prevention measures for different types of risks. The skills acquired of this specialty are:
Organize the assembly of electrical substations, developing plans and monitoring criteria. Making installation, operation and maintenance of solar photovoltaic installations based on the interpretation of the technical information contained in projects and other technical documents. Organize tasks of assembly de solar photovoltaic, developing plans and monitoring criteria. The skills acquired of this specialty are:
Electric power systems. Substations. Telecontrol and automation. Prevention of electrical hazards. Renewable energy systems. Solar photovoltaic Settings. Professional modules of this training cycle are: Managing the installation of solar photovoltaic. Assembly management of wind farms. Operation and maintenance of wind farms. Renewable Energy Project. Training and Guidance. Business and Entrepreneurship. Training in workplaces.
The schools where these lessons are taught have the following equipment minimum established by law: multipurpose classroom, technical classroom, photovoltaic and wind energy workshop, control and operation workshop and outdoor space wind and photovoltaic systems.
The staff teaching: Engineers (in different specialties) Experts in Business Technical Architects.
Electrical substations. Telecontrol and automation. Renewable energy systems. Solar photovoltaic configuration. Managing the installation of solar photovoltaic. Assembly management of wind farms. Operations and maintenance of wind farms. The curriculum of this training cycle incorporates English language at least two modules among professionals that make up the entire training cycle ( present in the two years of training). The subjects that can be taught in English are: