RN 2 & 4 Year degree (AA or BSN) largest employment--2.5 million jobs
RN DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Working with a variety of patients Observing and recording patient behavior Consulting with physicians and other healthcare professionals Establishing treatment plans Supervising licensed practical nurses (LPNs) and certified nurse assistants (CNAs) Performing diagnostic tests Treating medical emergencies Administering medications and treatments
RN SALARY Average salary is $66,640 in 2014 Reported salaries ranged from $45,880-$98,880 salary potential may vary depending on location, education and experience
RN CAREER OUTLOOK Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Critical Care Nurse (CCN) Clinical Nurse Manger (CNM) Labor and Delivery Nurse (LD) Patient Educator Advanced registered nurse practitioners (ARNP)
ARNP 2-4 years after BSN (Masters or Doctoral degree) the demand for nurse practitioners will increase by 34% between 2012 and 2022.
ARNP JOB DESCRIPTION They examine patients, take medical histories, maintain patient records, identify health risk factors, prescribe medications, make referrals and otherwise treat health conditions. Most NPs are primary care providers and work in specialties like family practice, pediatrics, geriatrics and women's health. However, some choose to specialize in secondary care areas, such as neonatology, oncology, mental health, cardiology, dermatology, gastroenterology, orthopedics and sports medicine.
ARNP TASKS Prescribe therapy or medication Order and interpret test results and recommend treatment of patients Provide physicians with assistance during surgery or complicated medical procedures. Administer therapeutic procedures Conduct complete physicals, provide treatment, and counsel patients
ARNP SALARY $71,039 - $110,629 The average pay for an Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP) is $86,651 per year In Daytona Beach, FL the average of pay $ 91,000
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