1 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Saturday 23 rd March
2 Welcome Apologies Progress over 2012 Outcome of Feasibility Study Ian Murray – Chief Executive, High Life Highland – Explain possibility of a recreation and wellness hub Conduct AGM – Accounts – Constitution – Election – Date of Next Meeting
3 A reminder of what NWSRA is about nwsra is working to: To create an inspirational recreational sports and wellness hub to serve the communities of North West Skye and its visitors. A place which is an exciting focal point for recreational activities, which is widely used and which contributes effectively to the health, education and well being of the people who live in these communities. Prepare and deliver a modular development plan - phased in as funding comes on line.
4 What people said in December 2011 Unanimously supported the establishment of a new community company ‘North West Skye Recreational Association’ to develop sporting facilities for North West Skye. Adopted a constitution Elected a management board of nine individuals Gave comments and ideas to feed into the development process “We are delighted that so many people came along and enthusiastically gave their support. Now the hard work starts to identify sources of funding so that we can develop a multi-sports facility for the whole community here in North-West Skye. Health and fitness are important to the well being of the community and it is essential that the people of this part of Skye have access to an all year round facility for all kinds of sports. “ John Hermse – Chairman NWSRA 2012
5 NWSRA – Progress 2012 Established nwsra as a working organisation with legal and charitable status Website and facebook page established Registration secured for nwsra as a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation - SCIO With help and support from Dunvegan Community Trust – Undertaken a Land Survey and Feasibility Study Promoted the idea of investment into a sports and wellness hub for North West Skye and gained letters of support from a wide range of partners Engaged young people in developing a logo for nwsra Usage audit for sports facility completed Presented our ideas to Sports Scotland Consolidated our partnership with High Life Highland Started on detailed business and investment plan
6 NWSRA - SCIO An incorporated charitable organisation which can act as a business – Reshape the constitution but stay true to the arrangement and intent in original constitution – Management Board becomes a Board of Trustees – A Board of 12 including no more than 3 co-opted members Move to become a Board of 15 with no more than 4 co-opted members
7 NWSRA – Logo Competition Supported by the Scallop Association Over 50 entries Some great ideas 1 winner – Jessica Jackson – Dunvegan Youth Club Logo goes forward for final production
8 NWSRA – Land Survey Key Messages Undertaken by Scottish Agricultural College - SAC Land needs levelling and drainage No more than 1m depth of peat across the site Rocky substrate Site preparation less than 20% of project cost
9 NWSRA – Feasibility Study Competitive tender to: – Test the feasibility of the project including indicative costings – Undertake a full site assessment – Propose measures to prepare and drain the site and connect to services. – Provide cost assessments of the Sports Hub and associated pitch development and indicate how phasing may be carried out – Provide a quantity assessment – Present the report to the NWSRA board and HLH – Support to the development of a costed business plan Awarded to Scottish Agricultural College working with Marc Kilkenny Architects
10 NWSRA Feasibility Study Build on the flattest area of land
11 NWSRA Feasibility Study Where the drainage can be sorted out
12 NWSRA – Feasibility Study 3 broad levels of development depending on how much support we can secure: – Grass Shinty Pitch with changing rooms – Grass Pitch plus synthetic training pitch, changing rooms and fitness centre – Grass Pitch plus synthetic training pitches, changing rooms and wellness centre
13 NWSRA Feasibility Study Option 1
14 NWSRA Feasibility Study Option 2
15 NWSRA Feasibility Study Option 3
16 NWSRA Feasibility Study Modular build Fitness, Storage, ReceptionChanging Rooms
17 NWSRA – Feasibility Study Core concept: A sports and wellness hub which: – Adds value to existing provision – Does not displace existing activities One of the first purpose built centres of its kind in Scotland
18 NWSRA – Feasibility Study
19 NWSRA – Feasibility Study
20 NWSRA – Feasibility Study
21 NWSRA – Feasibility Study Building – Fitness space with gym equipment – Dance studio – Multi purpose social / library / hub space – Changing rooms – with private spaces – Kitchen – Toilets – Office reception – Entry / security – Accessible changing – Referee rooms External Grass shinty pitch Synthetic training pitch Ground levelled so that surrounds could be used by the Show
22 NWSRA - Next Steps High Life Highland / Business Plan Investment Portfolio Presentations Funding Submissions Professional Support