SUSTAINABLE AGGREGATES RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SARMa STATUS OF THE PROJECT & IT’S IMPACT Quality Management Board meeting Budapest, June 28, 2010 Lead partner:


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Presentation transcript:

SUSTAINABLE AGGREGATES RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SARMa STATUS OF THE PROJECT & IT’S IMPACT Quality Management Board meeting Budapest, June 28, 2010 Lead partner: Geological Survey of Slovenia Slavko Šolar

Main objective of the project Shifting to sustainable aggregate resource management (SARM) and encouraging sustainable supply mix (SSM) policies. –to develop common approach to sustainable aggregate resource management (SARM) and –to ensure sustainable supply mix (SSM) planning, at three scales, to ensure efficient and secure supply in SEE.

Local level a)Optimize the efficiency of primary aggregates production, and prevent or minimize environmental impacts of quarrying and improve reclamation, b)minimize illegal quarrying by improving knowledge, c)promote recycling (construction, demolition & quarry waste)

Regional/national level Develop strategies for sustainably managing aggregate resources, including in protected areas, considering aggregate resources in land management and use planning, and harmonizing policies across regions, Develop guidelines and procedures for SSM planning.

Transnational level Recommend methods for harmonizing SARM & SMM transregionally and transnationally, Design a multi-purpose and multi-scale Aggregates Intelligence System (AIS) as a long-term tool for know-how transfer. Follow-up: prepare plan for a Regional Centre on SARM & SSM, to increase capacity of all interested and affected groups through workshops training and educational materials.

Done so far – June 2010 WP 1 – project management Project structure, reporting, WP 2 – communication –Promotion WP 3 – questionnaires analysis WP 4 - questionnaires WP 5 – work plan

WP 2 work done – June 2010 Developed project website Implemented management plan Held two Consortium project meetings Submitted communication strategy and plan submitted Press conferences held Organized regional and national capacity building workshops (Split, Patras)

Challenges – June 2010 Reporting – national financial control Financing Change of partnership Project structure – communication Consultant assistance

Challenges – June 2010 Developing Glossary IT Group

Project partners (15, 14) 1.ERDF: GeoZS - Geological survey of Slovenia, SI 2.ERDF: MUL - University of Leoben, AT 3.ERDF: PELLA – Prefectural Authority of Pella, GR 4.ERDF: IGME - Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration, GR 5.ERDF: TUC – Technical University of Crete, GR 6.ERDF: MBFH – Hungarian Office for Mining and Geology, HU 7.ERDF: ER – Emilia-Romagna Region - Environment, Soil and Coast Defense Department, IT 8.ERDF: ANPAR – National Association Producers of Recycled Aggregates, IT 9.ERDF: PARMA – Parma Province - Territorial Planning Service, IT 10.ERDF: IGR – National Institute for Research-Development in domain of Geology, Geophysics, Geochemistry and Remote Sensing, RO 11.ERDF: FGG – University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geology and Geophysics, RO 12.IPA: MGK10 – Herzeg – Bosnia Canton Government – Ministry of Economy, BiH 13.IPA: RGF – University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, SRB % partner: METE – Ministry of Economy, Trade and Energy, AL (Albanian Geological Survey) 15.10% Partner: MINGORP – Ministry of Economy, Labor and Entrepreneurship, Energy and Mining Directorate, HR (Croatian Geological Survey

Project Inner Circle: Project partnership (14) Project observers (8) Pool of stakeholders (5) o Croatia (2) – industry, o Italy (2) – associations, o Bulgaria (1) – association.

SARMa interviews, posters


SARMa papers Acknowledgements The research presented in this paper was developed within the SARMa Project, an European Commission funded project: Contract No. SEE AF/A/151/2.4/X ( The authors would like to thank Cavit SpA and Unical SpA for the data and information supplied, the staff of Provincia di Torino and Professor Vanni Badino of Politecnico di Torino for the valuable cooperation.

SARMa workshops and others to follow … CroatiaGreece

RAW MATERIALS INITIATIVE Recent development Communication in 2008 Working groups: –Critical minerals –Exchange of best practices Reports in June 2010 Communication is next …

Improving framework conditions for extracting minerals for the EU Exchanging Best Practice on Land Use Planning, Permitting and Geological Knowledge Sharing GEOLOGICAL KNOWLEDGE BASE ….

SUMMARY OF CHAPTER AND RECOMMENDATIONS Developing an information platform to assess the conflicts of deposits with other land uses: The long term access to deposits should be taken into account in land use planning. Cross-border geological projects as eWater, eEarth, One Geology, FODD and SARMa might be combined with other relevant information services to visualise deposits and their potential conflicts at the European and regional level.

SARMa at EU level European Technology Platform on Sustainable Mineral Resources European Aggregates Association

Summarizing and Outlook SARMa project was successfully launched in May 2009 June 2010 is turning point with regard to outputs (mostly after 4 th and 6 th period) SARMa made impact within SEE and also within European Union (Commission and industry) Project progress can be observed on