H OMELESS Laurie Halse Anderson Power point made by: Lexie Markowitz
C ATS In the story Suntia found a lot of feral cats. She did not know what to do! Her mom does not want to adopt any cats because she does not think Suntia is responsible. Suntia tells her friends that she found a lot of feral cats. All of the cats went to the vet.
D ECIDING Suntia does not want to release the cats so she tries to hide some of them. Maggie find out so she told her grandma (vet). Her is what we are going to do, we are going to do a series of tests on these cats and then we are going to release them. This process id called TVSR. This is when you Treat, Vaccinate, Spay, and Release
PROCESS Suntia and gran go with a lot of cages and they collect all of the cats. They go to the vet and treat them all. Suntia watches the cats but does not touch them. They release them. Suntia proved to her mom that she is responsible to get a cat. They got a cat and Suntia is very happy