World War II Causes. The Treaty of Versailles The treaty punished Germany for starting World War I. Germany had to pay $33 billion to nations who defeated.


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Presentation transcript:

World War II Causes

The Treaty of Versailles The treaty punished Germany for starting World War I. Germany had to pay $33 billion to nations who defeated it during the war. The treaty punished Germany for starting World War I. Germany had to pay $33 billion to nations who defeated it during the war. Germany lost territory in Europe, Africa, and the Pacific. Germany lost territory in Europe, Africa, and the Pacific.

Failure of the League of Nations The US never joined the league. The US never joined the league. A unanimous vote was needed to settle problems. A unanimous vote was needed to settle problems. The league was too weak to even persuade members to comply with rules. The league was too weak to even persuade members to comply with rules.

Economic Depression The Great Depression was not just in the US but worldwide. The Great Depression was not just in the US but worldwide. Germany was very hard hit because of the payments it had to make. Germany was very hard hit because of the payments it had to make. The depression led to people turning against their governments. Dictators promising a better life began to rise to power. The depression led to people turning against their governments. Dictators promising a better life began to rise to power.

Bread (in Marks) Jan July ,465 3,465 Sept ,512,000 1,512,000 Nov ,000,000,000


Rise of Dictators Soviet Union – communism: Joseph Stalin Soviet Union – communism: Joseph Stalin Over 20 million “enemies of the state” were killed in Stalin's purges. Over 20 million “enemies of the state” were killed in Stalin's purges. TIME: Man of the Year, Jan. 4, 1943

Rise of Dictators (continued) Italy – Fascism: Benito Mussolini Italy – Fascism: Benito Mussolini

Rise of Dictators (continued) Germany – Nazism: Adolf Hitler Germany – Nazism: Adolf Hitler TIME: Man of the Year, Jan. 2, 1939

Rise of Dictators (continued) Japan Japan Militarism: Militarism: – Emperor Hirohito – Prime Minister Hideki Tojo TojoHirohito

Rise of Dictators (continued) Spain – Francisco Franco Franco ruled Spain until his death in his death in 1975.

Ideas of Fascism 1. The NATION comes before the individual 1. The NATION comes before the individual 2. Individualism makes a nation weak 2. Individualism makes a nation weak 3. Nations need a Dictator to impose order 3. Nations need a Dictator to impose order 4. Nations need to expand their borders and their military 4. Nations need to expand their borders and their military 5. All political opposition is treason. 5. All political opposition is treason. 6. No freedom of speech or artistic expression. 6. No freedom of speech or artistic expression.

Formation of the Axis Coalition Germany, Italy, and Japan Germany, Italy, and Japan

Aggression by Axis Powers Japan Japan 1931 – Japan invades and captures Manchuria (Manchukuo) making Pu Yi the puppet ruler – Japan invades and captures Manchuria (Manchukuo) making Pu Yi the puppet ruler – Japan withdraws from the League of Nations and begins a naval shipbuilding program – Japan withdraws from the League of Nations and begins a naval shipbuilding program – Japan invades China – Japan invades China.

Aggression by Axis Powers Italy Italy 1934 – Italy invades Ethiopia – Italy invades Ethiopia – Italy and Germany help Franco take over Spain – Italy and Germany help Franco take over Spain Italy annexes Albania Italy annexes Albania.

Aggression by Axis Powers Germany Germany 1936 – Remilitarization of the Rhineland 1936 – Remilitarization of the Rhineland 1938 – Annexation of Austria – Annexation of Austria – Annexation of the Sudentenland (an area of Czechoslovakia that was mostly German) – Annexation of the Sudentenland (an area of Czechoslovakia that was mostly German) Hitler sends German forces to help defeat communist Spanish forces, development of “Blitzkreig” warfare.

American Neutrality While the world was moving toward war, America did nothing. While the world was moving toward war, America did nothing. During the 1930s Congress passed several Neutrality Acts prohibiting the United States from selling weapons or making loans to warring nations. During the 1930s Congress passed several Neutrality Acts prohibiting the United States from selling weapons or making loans to warring nations. In March 1941 the Lend-Lease Act allowed the US to lend arms and supplies to the allies. In March 1941 the Lend-Lease Act allowed the US to lend arms and supplies to the allies.

Anti-Semitism Hitler said that the reason Germany lost WW I was because of the Jews who betrayed Germany. Hitler said that the reason Germany lost WW I was because of the Jews who betrayed Germany. Gestapo – German Secret State Police Gestapo – German Secret State Police Holocaust – “Final Solution” – genocide of the Jews Holocaust – “Final Solution” – genocide of the Jews

Failure of Disarmament and Appeasement Different conferences limited war goods. Germany, Italy and Japan began building their militaries while other nations were reducing theirs. Different conferences limited war goods. Germany, Italy and Japan began building their militaries while other nations were reducing theirs. The Munich Pact During the 1930s, Hitler took the Rhineland, Austria, and the Sudetenland all against the Treaty of Versailles. During the 1930s, Hitler took the Rhineland, Austria, and the Sudetenland all against the Treaty of Versailles. In Sept. 1938, Hitler promised to take no more land after the Sudetenland. In Sept. 1938, Hitler promised to take no more land after the Sudetenland. “Peace for our time.” – Neville Chamberland

The Nazi-Soviet Pact Germany and Russia sign a secret Non- Aggression Pact in August Germany and Russia sign a secret Non- Aggression Pact in August September 1, 1939, Hitler invades Poland. September 1, 1939, Hitler invades Poland.