Greek Roots List 1 (Prefixes and Suffixes) Aero- through Cardio-
Define the underlined word by using context clues. The tower offered an aerial view of the city.
Aero-, aer-, aeri- Air, mist, wind
Words that use Aero-, aer-, aeri- aeronautics aerosol aerial
Define the underlined word by using context clues. There are practical as well as aesthetic reasons for planting trees.
Aesth-, Esth-, -aesthesia, -esthesia Feeling, sensation, perception
Words that use Aesth-, Esth-, -aesthesia, -esthesia aesthetics anesthesia anesthesiologist synesthesia
Define the underlined word by using context clues. Rather than perform on a stage placed directly in front of the audience, the ancient Greeks preferred amphitheaters that enabled audience members to feel closer to the action.
Ampho-, amphi- Around, on both sides of, both kinds
Words that use Ampho-, amphi- amphitheatre amphibian amphicrania : AMPHI crania (am fi kray’ ni a) n. Pain on both sides of the head
Define the underlined word by using context clues. Removing the recycling bins from the cafeteria would be antithetical to the school’s environmental policy.
Anti-, Ant- Against, opposed to
Words that use Anti-, Ant- antagonist antibiotic antacid antidepressant
Define the underlined word by using context clues. The pilot could view the stars through the plane’s astrodome.
Astro-, Astra- Star, star-shaped (also, pertaining to outer space)
Words that use Astro-, Astra- astronaut astronomy
Define the underlined word by using context clues. Parents who smother their children fail to teach them to be autonomous.
Auto-, aut- Self; directed from within
Words that use Auto-, aut- autonomy autopilot automobile autograph autobiography
Define the underlined word by using context clues. Educational reform should be a bipartisan effort rather than just the work of one political party.
Bi-, bin-, bis- Two, twice, double
Words that use Bi-, bin-, bis- bipartisan binary biennial
Define the underlined word by using context clues. Grayson is a true bibliophile: he’d rather read than do just about anything else!
Biblio- Book
Words that use Biblio- bibliography Bible bibliophile
Define the underlined word by using context clues. An oncologist performs a biopsy to determine whether or not a mass of cells is cancerous.
Bio-, -bia, -biotic, -bial Life
Words that use Bio-, -bia, -biotic, -bial biology antibiotic antimicrobial biotechnology biopsy
Define the term by filling in the blank: Pericarditis is inflammation of the sac around the ______ and causes severe chest pain.
Cardio- Heart
Words that use Cardio- cardiac cardiology cardiovascular tachycardia