«MCMC Conference» Meeting the Challenge of the Multicultural Classroom An EU collaborative project between Southwark (UK) and the Algarve (PT) Goldsmiths, University of London, New Academic Building, Room LG02 26 April Context and Decisions Objectives and Outcomes of activities Context Globe Academy in an all-through academy with a cohort of over 1000 students. It is very multicultural with over sixty nationalities and over forty languages spoken. With such a high number of EAL pupils, it can be difficult to create an inclusive classroom, and students face challenges and barriers with regard to defining their own identities and feeling included within the classroom. Objectives 1.To explore the role of identity in the classroom, within the constraints of a school curriculum. 2.To use ideas surrounding identity to show connections and similarities that will help create an inclusive classroom. Objectives of Activities Activities were used to explore how students defined the concept of identity, what material they drew on to define their own identity, and what they consider their identity to be. Further activities were then developed to use this shared concept of identity, and to create an inclusive classroom. Outcomes of Activities Students developed their idea of ‘identity’ from a very narrow concept, focussed predominantly on nationality, to a much broader concept which encompassed ideas about family, friends, history and culture. Students were able to use the idea of ‘culture’ to inform their ideas about identity. Students were able to consider the differences between their home identity and their school identity. Students were able to develop their ideas about visual and non-visual differences, and apply these to their study of characters in texts, and not just to their peers. Students were able to recognise the factors they had in common that create idenitity and see how these factors can unite individuals. Turquia Portugal Resources and Materials produced Impact on Learning School: Globe Academy Teacher/s: Miss Nebout, Miss McNiven, Miss Holmes Year group taught: 7/8/9 Use of the ‘visual/non visual/ similarities/differences grid to explore a character in the novel Pupils used an adapted version of the grid we were given in a CPD session to explore two of the characters in the novel ‘The Boy in Striped Pyjamas.’ Through class discussion and debate, they applied their ideas to their own context. The key impact on learning was that it allowed pupils to reconsider their ideas about how a character is judged and defined, and to apply these ideas to their judgement of their peers. Pupils were able to articulate statements such as ‘but everyone is a human so everyone deserves equal respect’ and ‘just because the character is from another country, it doesn’t mean he should have to be treated differently.’ Reconsidering the idea of culture Using visual stimulus and a poem called ‘The British’ by Benjamin Zephaniah, pupils were challenged to explore the idea of ‘culture’ and to consder what is meant by the term ‘Britishness’. The discussions were lively and interesting, with all pupils developing their understanding of what it means to be British. The overall definition arrived at was a very broad concept, which encompassed both those who were born here, and those who had travelled here from abroad. All pupils noted the fact that the poem demonstrated that people from other countries have been settling here for hundreds of years, and that there is more than one thing that makes up your identity. Reflection on our own process at professional level The course was extremely valuable and opened up opportunities to share good practice and specific ideas to meet the challenges of a multicultural classroom, especially with the main barriers being acceptance and language difficulties. We realised that in order to help our students on an individual level it was first important for us and the students to understand each others values and culture, especially if they are to be leaders in their communities. The classroom is a great place to facilitate this and to create an engaging environment for learning, with the students showing positive reactions. The English, Langauage and Geogarphy curriculums all give room to explore culture and identity in one form or another and as a result are perfect subjects for our students to enhance their knowledge and create greater acceptance of others which was developed by the activties set. We especially learnt from our Algarve partners and the primary schools how important it is to bridge the language barriers between home and school and have since planned a cultural evening hosted by the students to encourage unity across the whole school and community.