Language Translators - Lee McCluskey LANGUAGE TRANSLATORS: WEEK 21 LECTURE: Using JavaCup to create simple interpreters Tutorial / Practical 1. Run JavaCup on Linux / Ouranos following the “self study” file in the website 2. Continue to do paper based exercises creating SR parsers
Language Translators - Lee McCluskey JavaCup Grammar in “parser.cup” PLUS action code JavaCup Parsing Table in “” and “” PLUS action code Scanner in “” javac Library Classes for Interpreting Parsing Table Interpreter
Language Translators - Lee McCluskey An Interpreter for an expression evaluator stm ::= ID:id ASSIGNS expr:e {: put(id,e.intValue()); :} SEMI | PRINT expr:e {: System.out.println("= " + e); :} SEMI ; expr ::= expr:e1 SQUARED {: RESULT = new Integer(e1.intValue() * e1.intValue());:} | ID:id {:RESULT = new Integer(get(id));:} | expr:e1 PLUS expr:e2 {: RESULT = new Integer(e1.intValue() + e2.intValue());:} The left hand side of each production is always implicitly labelled as RESULT.
Language Translators - Lee McCluskey Problem with evaluation during parsing: Imagine trying to implement Java’s “DO WHILE ” “IF ( ) ” using option 2 (evaluating code while parsing). These are examples of compound statements The problem is that repetition or branching cannot be easily dealt with when interpreting the program at the same time as parsing it. We can execute an assignment statement after we parse it … but not so easy with parts of compound statements.
Language Translators - Lee McCluskey A better option.. RECALL Option 3 from previous week: - Use JavaCup to build up a Parse Tree; Attach ACTION CODE to production rules to do this. - Once parsing has finished, pass this Parse Tree to the next part of the interpreter/ compiler/ translator eg to a Java interpreter or Compiler.
Language Translators - Lee McCluskey LPL (See code in Q3parser directory for definition). Using Javacup + interpreter code we can easily create an interpreter for code such as the following example x = 23; repeat x = x-1; y = x*x; print(x,y) until x; print(x)
Language Translators - Lee McCluskey Part of LPL’s parser.cup file stm::= ID:id ASSIGNS exp:e {: RESULT = new AssignStm(id,e); :} | REPEAT stm:s1 UNTIL exp:e {: RESULT = new RepeatStm(s1,e); :} | exp ::= INT:n {: RESULT = new NumExp(n.intValue()); :} | ID:id {:RESULT = new IdExp(id);:} | exp:e1 PLUS exp:e2 {: RESULT = new OpExp(e1,OpExp.Plus,e2); :}
Language Translators - Lee McCluskey LPL – build up of syntax tree stm(new AssignStm(new IdExp(“x”), new NumExp(9))) PARSING expr(new IdExp(“x”)) expr(new NumExp(9)) ID,"x" ASSIGNS INT,9 SEMI SCANNING x = 9; TOKEN STREAM Prog(interpStm(, new NumExp(9 Table("",0,null)); REST OF TREE
Language Translators - Lee McCluskey Example from lecture 3... Eg might be something like this … new CompoundStm( new AssignStm("b",new NumExp(5)), new CompoundStm( new AssignStm("a", new OpExp(new NumExp(5), OpExp.Times, new IdExp("b"))), new PrintStm(new ExpList(new OpExp(new IdExp("b"), OpExp.Times, new IdExp("a")))) ) );
Language Translators - Lee McCluskey LPL – how the interpreter works Once the input program is parsed successfully, the program’s parse tree is passed to the interpreter to be interpreted! The interpreter code is situated at the beginning of parser.cup and is copied to verbatim. Sequence: 1. When executed with an input program P, the Parser creates a Syntax (or ‘parse’) Tree representing P. 2. The Syntax Tree together with an empty Table is passed to the interpreter in the action code. 3. The entries in the Table correspond to variable’s current values as P is interpreted (the Table is called the ‘Store’) 4. Commands in P change the Store
Language Translators - Lee McCluskey LPL - the Store Table represents the STORE of the program class Table { String id; int value; Table tail; Table(String i, int v, Table t) {id =i; value=v; tail=t;} etc - it is a RECURSIVE type
Language Translators - Lee McCluskey LPL - INTERPRETER interpStm applies a statement s to a store t (t is represented as a Table) interpStm is called initially with an empty store … prog ::= stm: s {: RESULT = interpStm(s,new Table("",0,null)); :} ; interpStm’s input is the parse tree in Java Constructor form. This could be processed in many ways e.g. a SYMBOL TABLE can be extracted from it and used to track variable DECLARATIONS.
Language Translators - Lee McCluskey interpStm - compound If s is a compound statement then we want to apply the first statement to the current store t getting store t’, then apply the second statement to t’. That is what this piece of code does: else if (s instanceof CompoundStm) return interpStm(s.get2(), interpStm(s.get1(),t)); Here t’ = interpStm(s.get1(),t)
Language Translators - Lee McCluskey interpStm - assignment ASSIGNMENT: else if (s instanceof AssignStm) return update(t,s.getLHS(),interpExp(s.getRHS(), t)); If s is an assignment then it has a LHS (the variable) and a RHS (the expression). update takes the current store t, the LHS, the VALUE of the RHS in the current store, and returns a NEW store. Table update(Table t,String str, int i) { return (new Table(str, i, t));}
Language Translators - Lee McCluskey interpStm - repeat Apply the inside of the loop to obtain a new store. If the repeat expression is 0 in this new store then end, otherwise recursively call InterpStm with the new store. else if (s instanceof RepeatStm) { Table table_temp = interpStm(s.getRepStm(),t); int int_temp = interpExp(s.getRepExp(),table_temp); if (int_temp == 0) return table_temp; else return interpStm(s, table_temp); }
Language Translators - Lee McCluskey InterExp InterExp is a recursive method for evaluating Expressions in the context of a certain store. InterpExp takes expression e and store t and returns a VALUE. Note a VALUE in LPL is always ‘int’ - we don’t allow booleans, strings etc
Language Translators - Lee McCluskey Conclusions... The definition of LPL in parser.cup contains the syntax specification and the Java Code implementing LPL’s interpreter
Language Translators - Lee McCluskey APPENDIX: Steps to Updating/improving the JavaCup-generated Interpreter Each time you make an addition to the language go through the following steps. n As an example, we will use the WHILE COMMAND
Language Translators - Lee McCluskey STEP 1 n Work out what concrete syntax you want for your new command or other extension. Write down its semantics. WHILE DO Evaluate. If it is zero skip and goto the next statement after WHILE in the program. Otherwise execute, then execute WHILE DO again.
Language Translators - Lee McCluskey STEP 2 n Put the new syntax in Eg add the following to case ’W': advance(); advance(); advance(); advance(); advance(); return new Symbol(sym.WHILE); case ’D': advance(); advance(); return new Symbol(sym.DO);
Language Translators - Lee McCluskey Step 3: n Add abstract syntax to parser.cup - the non-terminals/terminals, the production rule, and the attached action code terminal REPEAT, UNTIL, SEMI, PLUS, WHILE, DO... Stm ::= WHILE exp:e DO stm:s {: RESULT = new WhileStm(s,e); :}
Language Translators - Lee McCluskey Step 4: n Add the new Syntax Class for the While Statement to the action code class WhileStm extends Stm { Stm s; Exp exp; WhileStm(Stm a, Exp e) {s=a; exp=e;} public Stm getWhileStm() {return s;} public Exp getWhileExp() {return exp;} }
Language Translators - Lee McCluskey Step 5: n Add to the action code statements that interpret the WHILE Stm Table interpStm(Stm s, Table t) {... else if (s instanceof WhileStm) int temp = interpExp(s.getWhileExp(),t); if (temp == 0) return t; else return interpStm(s, interpStm(s.getWhileStm(),t))...
Language Translators - Lee McCluskey Step 6: Follow the steps to create the interpreter in the READ - ME file as usual.