1 Prospective research of VNIIZhT in field of freight traffic Prof. А.Е. Semechkin GRFC2007, New Delhi, March 2007
2 Railway transport in Russian Federation Railway transport in Russian Federation is one of the most important, basic branches of economy. It carries about 80% of freight traffic volume (without taking into consideration pipeline transport) and about 50 % of the passenger turnover of the transport system of the country. GRFC2007, New Delhi, March 2007
3 Objectives of Russian railways in field of international freight traffic development Development of international transport corridors Development of railway transport as a main link in global logistic chain and deep integration of Russian railways into Euro - Asian transport system. Strengthening and development of partnership with countries of 1520 mm gauge and interaction with countries of 1435 mm gauge.
4 Objectives of Russian railways in field of international freight traffic (continuation) Working out intergovernmental standards with harmonization of technical requirements and regulations for rolling stock and infrastructure of transport systems Development and introduction of prospective rolling stock for freight traffic Organizing operation of trains of increased mass and length. Increase in volume of container traffic including intermodal modes of operation.
5 VNIIZhT objectives in field of freight traffic Improvement of technologies used for traffic control in international transport corridors Working out intergovernmental standards with unified technical requirements and rules for rolling stock Increase in interoperability of railways by harmonization of requirements for rolling stock and infrastructure of transport systems Development and introduction of prospective rolling stock for freight traffic GRFC2007, New Delhi, March 2007
6 VNIIZhT objectives in field of freight traffic development (continuation) Working out requirements for infrastructure to allow realization of international traffic Creation of technologies for operation of trains of increased mass and length Technical and technological support for international container and contrailer traffic Development of system for automatic identification of rolling stock for 1520 mm gauge area
7 Priorities of Russian railways in field of technical regulation Harmonization of norms within Euro - Asian transport system, Achievement of efficient mode of interoperability in different regions, in one region and in combination with other modes of transport, Introduction of simplified procedures at border crossings.
8 Maintaining of technical unity with CIS and Baltic states Legal basis: «Agreement on essential principles of harmonization of technical regulations of the Member States of Euro – Asian economical community” and Draft «Agreement on essential principles of harmonization of technical regulations of Member States of Commonwealth of Independent States”.
9 Maintaining of technical unity with CIS countries and Baltic states (continuation) Working out technical regulations in the form of intergovernmental models is required for maintaining unified railway network in CIS countries operating without any technical barriers
10 Harmonization with ЕU Due to difference in legislative norms, harmonization can be realized by means of coordinating norms, included in the Federal Law (Technical regulations), with by-laws of European Union (Technical specifications for interoperability) or with the standards harmonized with directives
11 Harmonization with EU (continuation) In the results of the above, harmonization should be made available exclusively for technical regulation objects which could be operated on Russian and EU infrastructure.
12 Heavy hauls In accordance with the decisions and requirements of the JSC “RZD” Programme for Strategic Development, a comprehensive scientific project (CSP) “Increase in mass and length of freight trains on main directions of railway network” has been elaborated by VNIIZhT.
13 TransSib Moscow – St. Petersburg - Murmansk Moscow – Arkhangelsk Moscow – Novorossiysk Moscow - Astrahan SURVEYED HEAVY HAUL ROUTS Nakhodka
14 Heavy hauls. Choice of mass of train An important task – increase in number of trains of increased mass and length, contributes to enhancement of carrying capacity on main directions of railway network and reduction of expenses related to operation of trains.
15 Unified norms of freight train mass Following parameters for main routes of Russian Railway Network have been approved for the period up to 2010 –2015 as the unified freight train mass norm: mass - 6,3 tons, length - 71 reference cars or 1050 m
16 Trains with mass of 9,0 tons Trains with mass of 9,0 tons with traction from head of train and with device for braking synchronization at a train end are used, if necessary, on bulk freight transportation sections Main task - to provide the passing of such trains and to ensure the safe operation Owing to it, additional economy in terms of locomotives, locomotive crews and power consumption is achieved
17 Trains with mass of 12,6 tons If necessary trains with mass of 12,6 tons can operate on railway directions at unified mass norm of 6,3 tons, especially, during summer track maintenance activity or in case of accelerated freight traffic due to emergency
18 Regimes of operation F traction F adhesion Test results Run ning gear dam ages, pcs./ 10 4 k m ) Sleepage of wheel sets Ls/Ltotal, % Con sum ptio n of sand (t/10 4 km) Holl- ow wear, mm/ 10 4 k m 0,2 4 Statistical data Choice of rational load of locomotives with regard to adhesion Experimental runs Economic Rational Intensive Not-acceptable Sleepage of wheel sets Ls/Ltotal, % Test results
19 Expenses on technical support of locomotive traction Total expenses Expenses due to size of operating locomotive fleet Expenses Train gross weight rate Optimal train weight Optimization of train gross weight rate per one locomotive East-Siberian direction: rational train gross weight 5,6-5,8 tonnes, train gross weight for intensive operation 5,8-6,0 tonnes
20 Safety. Longitudinal and dynamic forces in freight trains Longitudinal and dynamic forces increase at traction and braking regimes on trains of increased mass and length. They should not exceed maximum permissible values and thus provide for a necessary level of safe operation.
21 Safety. Longitudinal and dynamic forces in freight trains (continued) For freight traffic applications, VNIIZhT has developed Programme for estimation of longitudinal and dynamic forces and system for their remote measurement.For freight traffic applications, VNIIZhT has developed Programme for estimation of longitudinal and dynamic forces and system for their remote measurement. On this basis, automatic driving system for freight rolling stock with functions of energy- optimal control and ensuring safe level of longitudinal and dynamic forces when using the distributed traction was created.On this basis, automatic driving system for freight rolling stock with functions of energy- optimal control and ensuring safe level of longitudinal and dynamic forces when using the distributed traction was created.
22 Measurement of longitudinal and dynamic forces in cross sections of freight trains with mass of 12,0 tonnes On-board unit for force data recording System control unit in laboratory-car Diagram of forces of automatic coupler in cross sections of freight trains of 12,0 tons Coupler No 1Coupler No 13Coupler No 31
23 Safety. Longitudinal and dynamic forces Use of intellectual equipment for control of locomotives distributed along joint train will result in: energy-optimal energy-optimal operation; longitudinal and dynamic forces; efficient control of longitudinal and dynamic forces; simplified operation control of locomotives distributed along the train.
24 Strengthening of infrastructure VNIIZhT has worked out methodology incorporating design and experimental methods for determination of measures required for strengthening infrastructure with regard to introduction of trains operation of increased mass and length. Following issues are under consideration: -systems of traction power supply, -C & S devices, -systems for maintenance of locomotives and cars, -extension of station tracks, -strengthening of permanent way.
25 Cars of increased load capacity One of the important directions of the development of heavy haul operations is increase in the car fleet by means of introduction of gandola cars with Tpr clearance gauge. Tpr clearance gauge is 150 mm wider than 1 – T clearance gauge. Height of its rectangular part is 4500 mm, which is 500 mm more than that of 1-Т clearance gauge. In this case, axle load of 25 t is available at the load per meter of 9.5 t/m and it is possible to make-up a train with the mass of about 8,5 tones, axle load of 25 t, consisting of 86 cars on the tracks, length of which is 1050 m. This direction is an alternative to extension of tracks for more than 1050 m.
26 Cars of increased load capacity (continued) In this case, axle load of 25 t is available at the load per meter of 9.5 t/m and it is possible to make-up a train with the mass of about 8,5 tones, axle load of 25 t, consisting of 86 cars on the tracks, length of which is 1050 m. This direction is an alternative to extension of tracks for more than 1050 m.
27 Tpr clearance gauge 1-T clearance gauge T clearance gauge Upper surface of rails
28 Provides for reliable online automatic location of wagons and locomotives required for Automate Railway Transportation Control Systems (ASU ZhT) Solved tasks: - Wagons and locomotive fleet control - Identification related transfer of wagons between railways in automatic regime Installed: sensing devises Equipped: 680 read-out points Applied read-out devices Automatic rolling stock identification system (SAIPS)
29 Use of SAIPS Introduction of SAIPS is realized in a step- by-step approach on specific parts of network (beginning with eastern ones) coupled with corresponding information technologies. VNIIZhT continues to work at improvement of this prospective system for freight rolling stock control.
30 Cooperation with CIS countries, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia National programmes for introduction of SAIPS are being developed by CIS countries and Baltic states. Trains on international service are equipped with on-board code sensors.
31 Prospects of SAIPS Monitoring of large-capacity containers transported by railways. Equipping of locking and sealing devices with electronic sensors, their automatic control during train movement. Marking of rolling stock units and assembles with electronic sensors is the basis for creation of reliable data base and monitoring of main units of rolling stock.
32 Thank you very much for your attention!