International Telecommunication Union ITU-D Overview
2 ITU in brief Leading United Nations Agency for ICTs. 191 Member States, 566 Sector Members Three sectors: Radiocommunication Radiocommunication Standardization Standardization Development Development ITU TELECOM Events
3 ITUs Global Presence 5 regional offices, 8 area offices HQ in Geneva, Switzerland
Working with ITU
5 ITU-Ds Role: Your Partner for ICT Development ITU-D is a catalyst for multi-stakeholder partnerships Mobilize human, technical and financial resources Neutral broker between government and industry Executing agency for project implementation and expert assistance to countries
6 Development Activities Enabling Environment Infrastructure/Access Capacity Building Cybersecurity & E-Applications Emergency Telecommunications Regional Initiatives Special Initiatives Statistics & Market Information
International Telecommunication Union ITU Sector Membership What benefits? What costs? How to join?
8 Membership Categories
9 ITU Sector Member An ITU Sector Member fully participates in the work of corresponding ITU Sector Study Groups, or Working Groups thereof, in the Sectors Regional and World Telecommunication Conferences, Advisory Group and other relevant workshops, seminars and meetings. An interested entity or organization may join one or more of the three ITU Sectors
Who are our Sector Members? Over 300 ICT companies and organizations participate in the work of the ITU-D Sector
ITU-D Sector Members say their motivation for joining (1): ITU-Ds leadership Partnering on development projects Sharing experiences and best practices Helping LDCs develop Human Capital Organization of regional conferences The wish to achieve better telecommunications in the world Corporate Social Responsibility
Stay in touch with developments & regulatory best practices Access to latest information: trends, statistics and HRD issues Cooperation with other ITU-D SMs Learn from experiences and knowledge of other countries Promotion of telecom liberalization and technology introduction globally ITU-D Sector Members say their motivation for joining (2):
13 ITU-D Sector Member Fees Minimum of: CHF 7,950 CHF 3,975 (developing countries)
Evolution by regions
ITU-D Sector Members in Africa Out of the 303 ITU-D Sector Members today, 30 are based in Africa. They are: Botswana: Mascom Wireless Botswana (Pty) Ltd. Burundi : Office national des télécommunications du Burundi (ONATEL); U-COM Burundi Cameroon : Cameroon Telecommunications (CAMTEL) Central African Rep.: Communauté Economique et Monétaire de l'Afrique Centrale Chad : Société des Télécommunications du Tchad (SOTEL TCHAD) Côte d'Ivoire : Conseil des Télécommunications de Côte d'Ivoire (CTCI); MTN COTE D'IVOIRE (MTN CI); Regional African Satellite Communications Organization Gambia : Africell Ltd. Ghana : Ghana Telecom; Zain Communications (Ghana) Limited Kenya : African Telecommunications Union; Safaricom Limited Lesotho : Econet Telecom Lesotho (Pty) Ltd (ETL) Mauritius: AfriNIC Mozambique : Southern Africa Transport and Communications Commission Nigeria : Celtel Nigeria Limited (Zain); MTN Nigeria Communications Limited; West Africa Telecommunications Regulators Assembly Senegal : Société Nationale des Télécommunications du Sénégal (SONATEL); Union of National Radio and Television Organizations of Africa South Africa : Mobile Telephone Networks (Pty) Ltd. (MTN); Sentech Ltd.; Telkom SA Ltd.; Vodacom (Pty) Limited Tanzania : East African Community; Vodacom Tanzania Limited Togo : TOGO TELECOM Zimbabwe : Econet Wireless (PVT) Ltd.
18 ITU Associates An interested entity or organization may join an ITU Sector as an Associate and be entitled to take part in the work of a selected single Study Group. Associates may have access to documentation required for their work and may serve as Rapporteur or Editor.
19 ITU-D Study Group 1 : Telecommunication development strategies and policies ITU-D Study Group 2: Development and management of telecommunication services and networks The annual contribution for an ITU-D Associate is: CHF 3, CHF 1, (for developing countries only) Become Associate to a ITU-D Study Group
20 Conclusion ITU membership is global and diversified Sector Members play a key role in ITU Regional participation is an ITU priority Opportunities to share experiences, ideas, knowledge of business opportunities and seek partnerships ITU Sector membership fees are competitive Fill in the membership application form and submit it to the ITU Secretary General through the telecommunication administration of your country. Join us! Become a new ITU-D Sector Member!
International Telecommunication Union Thank You!