International Telecommunication Union Development Sector An Overview Yury Grin, PhD Deputy to the BDT Director International Telecommunication Union Presentation
2 ITU in brief Leading United Nations Agency for ICTs. 191 Member States, 580 Sector Members Three sectors: Radiocommunication Radiocommunication Standardization Standardization Development Development ITU TELECOM Events
3 ITUs Global Presence 5 regional offices, 8 area offices Europe coordination at HQ in Geneva, Switzerland
Europe: Special focus on the Central and Eastern Europe Europe: 42 countries CEE: 19 countries including 10 EU members* Population (total)= M Density= per m2 GDP per capita= 7578 USD Basic ICT Statistics Total Telephone Subscr.= 155.5M Fixed lines per 100= 28.7 Mobile per 100= 106 Effective teledencity= Note: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria*, Croatia, Cyprys, Czech Rep.*, Estonia*, Hungary*, Latvia*, Lithuania*, Malta, Montenegro, Poland*, Romania*, Serbia, Slovak Rep.*, Slovenia*, TFYR Macedonia, Turkey *
Seven Main Goals of the Union Under the Strategic Plan of the Union for international cooperation Maintain and extend international cooperation bridging the digital divide Assist in bridging the digital divide and promote global connectivity through implementation of WSIS goals and objectives membership Widen the Union's membership safeguard networks Develop tools to safeguard networks efficiency and effectiveness Continue to improve efficiency and effectiveness information and know-how of ICT Diseminate information and know-how of ICT enabling environment Promote the development of an enabling environment
The ITU Structure
Telecommunication Development Sector World Telecommunication Development Conference Telecommunication Development Advisory Group (TDAG) Study Groups BUREAUBUREAUBUREAUBUREAU BUREAUBUREAUBUREAUBUREAU Telecommunication Development Sector (ITU-D) BDTBDT
ITU Development Sector (ITU-D) Strengthen cooperation between ITU Members Foster enabling environment that promotes ICT/telecom development Identify projects, promote investment and P/P partnerships. Support implementation of global, regional initiatives Undertake economic, financial, technical studies on ICT issues Assist developing countries in building capacity and disseminate information and know- how Mission: promoter & catalyst for ICT / Telecom development
Setting Direction of the BDT Activities: Doha Conference Six Programmes Six Programmes Regulatory Reform Information and communication infrastructure and technology development E-strategies and ICT applications Economics and finance including costs and tariffs Human capacity building Least developed countries and small island developing states, and emergency telecommunications Activities Activities Statistics and information on telecommunications/ICT Partnerships and promotion Special initiatives Special initiatives Private Sector Gender Young people and children Indigenous people and communities People with disabilities Regional initiatives Regional initiatives Africa / Americas / Arab Region / Asia-Pacific / CIS WSIS Implementation WSIS Implementation WSIS Action Line C2 Facilitation WSIS Action Line C6 Facilitation WSIS Action Lines Co-facilitation WSIS Stocktaking etc.
BDT Structure Notes: Dashed line = coordination of the BDT activities; RO = Regional Offices; AO = Area Offices
BDT Structure Notes: Dashed line = coordination of the BDT activities; RO = Regional Offices; AO = Area Offices
12 ITU-D: Your Partner for ICT Development ITU-D is a catalyst for multi-stakeholder partnerships Mobilize human, technical and financial resources Neutral broker between government and industry Executing agency for project implementation and expert assistance to countries
13 Enabling Environment Objective: Establish enabling environment for ICT investment through attractive policy/regulatory frameworks Actions: Support regional harmonization efforts Guidelines, tool kits, best practices, information sharing Global Symposium for Regulators (GSR) and Global Industry Leaders Forum (GILF) Bring together senior policy-makers, regulators & industry
14 Infrastructure/Access Objective: Expand access to ICTs in underserved communities Actions: Assist developing countries plan, build, operate, upgrade, manage ICT networks and services Regional and rural connectivity projects Assistance for transition to NGN, Digital Broadcasting Community ICT access: telecentres
15 Capacity Building Objective: Help developing countries, transition economies, and LDCs build a ICT trained workforce Actions: Internet Training Centres for computer/network training Centres of Excellence and e-learning to train managers for NGN transition, spectrum management, cybersecurity, regulatory reform etc.
16 Cybersecurity Objective: Build confidence and security in the use of ICT Actions: Assistance to countries: Model legislation, Spam, Critical Information Infrastructure Protection, Regional cooperation Stimulating collaboration: Forum for International Cooperation (GCA + HLEG) Public resources: Cybersecurity Gateway
17 E-Applications and Services Objective: Promote and implement e-applications and services in developing countries Actions: Provide technical expertise to countries for projects in e-health, e-education, e- government etc.
18 Saving lives Emergency Telecommunications Saving lives Objective: Support disaster prevention, mitigation and relief using ICTs Actions: Infrastructure development, policy/regulatory reform, ICT deployment for response, network reconstruction & rehabilitation
19 Special Initiatives Objective: Ensure that all groups benefit from ICTs Actions: Efforts to assist targeted groups: women, youth, indigenous and persons with disabilities Examples: ICT scholarships for youth from developing countries/LDCs Workshops, tool kits for policy-makers, awareness raising
20 Statistics and Market Information Reliable stats, trends, market situation Track WSIS progress Showcased in ICT Eye portal New ITU Global View Map
21 Regional Initiatives Objective: Meet specific needs identified by member states in each region Actions: Undertake small and large scale projects Led by regional offices, supported by Geneva HQ [FILL IN: Example regional initiatives in your region]
22 Connect the World Summits to mobilize resources in each region: Summits to mobilize resources in each region: Leaders from industry, dev banks, governments, int/regional organizations Projects to realize common goals Connect Africa Connect Africa was 1 st Summit: $55 Billion in commitments for ICT development by 2012 Connect CIS Americas Arab States Asia-Pacific Connect CIS 2009, Americas 2010, Arab States 2011, Asia-Pacific 2012
23 Wireless Broadband Initiative Outcomes Develop and deploy wireless networks Guarantee capacity for schools, hospitals Train local experts and build human capacity Develop ICT Applications: e-health, e-education, e-government Objective: Expand broadband access in underserved areas
24 Connecting Children: Empowering the Next Generation Leverage Wireless Broadband Partnership – capacity for public use Campaign to secure funding/partners to provide low cost laptops for school children Partnership with One Laptop Per Child, Intel + others active in the field
Study Groups Collaborative working methods ordered along set of questions reflecting evolution of the information and communication sector ITU-D Study Group 1 Telecommunication development strategies and policies ITU-D Study Group 2 Development and management of telecommunication services and networks Others ITU-t and ITU-r Study Groups Global Initiatives or Focus Groups Others ITU-t and ITU-r Study Groups Global Initiatives or Focus Groups e.g. NGN-GSI, FG-IPTV, FG-IDM, etc.
26 Regulatory impact of next-generation networks on interconnection Regulatory policies on universal access to broadband services Regulation for licensing and authorization of converging services Tariff policies, tariff models and methods of determining the costs of services on national telecommunication networks, including next- generation networks Domestic enforcement of telecommunication laws, rules and regulations by national telecommunications regulatory authorities Implementation of IP telephony in developing countries Access to telecommunication services for people with disabilities Impact of telecommunication development on the creation of employment Securing information and communication networks: Best practices for developing a culture of cybersecurity ITU-D Study Group 1 Telecommunication development strategies and policies Questions under study:
27 Identification of study topics in the ITU-T and ITU-R study groups that are of particular interest to developing countries Telecommunications for rural and remote areas Examination of terrestrial digital sound and television broadcasting technologies and systems, including cost-benefit analyses, interoperability of digital terrestrial systems with existing analogue networks and methods of migration from analogue terrestrial techniques to digital techniques Telecommunications for e-health Progress on activities for e-services/applications in the world ITU-D Study Group 2 Development and management of telecommunication services and networks Questions under study:
28 ITU-D Study Group 2 (cont d) Implementation aspects of IMT-2000 and information-sharing on systems beyond IMT-2000 for developing countries Strategy for migration from existing networks to next- generation networks for developing countries Examination of access technologies for broadband telecommunications Utilization of ICT for disaster management and active and passive space-based sensing systems as they apply to disaster prediction, detection and mitigation The unique telecommunication/ICT needs of small island developing states (SIDS) Resolution 9 (Rev. Doha, 2006): Participation of countries, particularly developing countries, in spectrum management
29 Partner with ITU-D Enjoy branding and visibility opportunities through successful high-profile partnerships Support your Corporate Social Responsibility and long term market development objectives Leverage your expertise and services to help implement ICT projects in developing countries Work with governments and other industry players towards shared goals for development
International Telecommunication Union ITU Sector Membership What benefits? What costs? How to join?
31 ITUs unique capacity to bring together representatives from competing companies and governments of all ideological persuasions Sharing a wealth of experience and creative ideas Establish partnerships between private and public sectors Access to ITUs vast range of publications, as well as restricted documentation/information and statistics General Benefits of ITU Membership
32 Membership Categories
33 ITU Sector Member An ITU Sector Member fully participates in the work of corresponding ITU Sector Study Groups, or Working Groups thereof, in the Sectors Regional and World Telecommunication Conferences, Advisory Group and other relevant workshops, seminars and meetings. An interested entity or organization may join ITU as a Sector Member. There are 3 Sectors: Development (ITU-D) Radiocommunication (ITU-R) Standardization (ITU-T)
34 Benefits of being an ITU Sector Member 1. Influence the evolution of global telecommunication networks Do you have a message to convey? Do you need to influence the direction of global/regional development or standardization projects? Do you have existing projects and/or products that could benefit from globalization?
35 Benefits of being an ITU Sector Member 2. Increase awareness of your business priorities amongst operators, service providers, suppliers, regulators and governments Membership of ITU Sectors is a means to actively take part in the Sectors work pertinent to your business and thus make sure your companys goals and policies are taken into account on the development of projects and on the definition of standards within your business sphere. Your contact details and the name of your Chief Executive Officer (CEO) will be published in the ITU Global Directory.
36 Benefits of being an ITU Sector Member 3. Networking/Making contacts ITU Sectors provide a platform for meeting experts from all over the world, learning of their entities plans and objectives and for sharing experience and information.
37 Benefits of being an ITU Sector Member 4. ITU Sector Members can Fully participate in the Sectors Advisory Group to the ITU Elected Official Participate in all Study Group meetings and electronic discussion groups Present their views by submitting written contributions Participate in the approval of technical or development projects and recommendations
38 ITU Sector Member Fees ITU Sector Members may choose their annual contribution in a range from 1/16 to 40 units. The effective amount of the contributory unit is Swiss francs. This fixes the minimum contribution for an ITU Sector Member as follows: ITU-D: CHF 7,950 (1/8 unit) CHF 3,975 (1/16 unit for developing countries only) ITU-R: CHF 31,800 (1/2 unit) ITU-T: CHF 31,800 (1/2 unit)
39 ITU Associates An interested entity or organization may join an ITU Sector as an Associate and be entitled to take part in the work of a selected single Study Group. Associates may have access to documentation required for their work and may serve as Rapporteur or Editor.
40 ITU Associate Fees The annual contribution for an ITU Associate is: ITU-D:CHF 3, CHF 1, (for developing countries only) ITU-R:CHF 10, ITU-T:CHF 10,600.00
41 Conclusion ITU membership is global and diversified Sector Members play a key role in ITU dynamics Regional participation is an ITU priority Invaluable opportunities exist to share experiences, creative ideas, knowledge of business opportunities and to seek partnerships ITU Sector membership fees are competitive What about new members from your country?
International Telecommunication Union Thank You! Yury Grin, PhD Deputy to the BDT Director International Telecommunication Union