Universal Service Fund (USF) Pakistans Special Project on ICT for Persons with Disabilities Asia-Pacific Regional Forum on Mainstreaming ICT Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities Noshin Masud Manager-Communications Universal Service Fund
Introduction of USF Established by Ministry of Information Technology Pakistan in December 2006 to: Increase telecom penetration in the country Broadband proliferation Enhancement of e-services
Persons with Disabilities in Pakistan More than 7% of the population living with disabilities 1.6 million people with visual disability 5 million people with low vision
USF Special Projects on ICT for Persons with Disabilities Background Announcement of 2 projects by Prime Minister of Pakistan on World Telecom & Information Society Day Project for Persons with low vision with Al-Shifa Eye Trust - Project for Persons with visual disability with Pakistan Foundation Fighting Blindness
Project with Al-Shifa Eye Trust Introduction of Al-Shifa Eye Trust A non-governmental, non-political, charitable organization Aims of the trust are prevention and control of blindness Five components at all four provinces
Introduction of Al-Shifa Eye-Trust Al Shifa Eye Trust – Rawalpindi Al-Shifa Eye Trust - Sukkur Al-Shifa Eye Trust-Kohat
Low Vision Centre at Al-Shifa Eye Trust Established for the first time in Pakistan in 1993 Equipped with devices for training and rehabilitation of people with low vision Patient turnover -1,000-1,500 every year Prescribed or dispensed over 3,600 low vision aids.
Collaboration of Universal Service Fund & Al-Shifa Eye Trust Contract worth Rs. 25 Million (300,000 dollars) signed on July 07, 2008 to up-grade and establish low vision centres at Al-Shifa Eye Trust through ICT equipment.
Objectives of the Project Strengthening the low vision centre at Rawalpindi (Punjab) Upgrade and replicate the low vision centre at Sukkur (Sindh) To establish a low vision center at Kohat (NWFP)
Equipment funded by USF PCs & Accessories Servers Networking Equipment Broadband Connectivity Specialized ICT Equipment - Talking Caller ID
Equipment Provided by USF - Braille Translator - Braille Notetaker - Satellite Braille Display
Equipment Provided by USF - Zoom text large print keyboard - Optec Clearview-Colored Wide Screen - Big button mobile phone
Equipment Provided by USF - Magnifying Filter Screen - Scanning & Reading Appliances - Talking Calculator
Equipment provided by USF - Text to audio software - JAWS Screen Reading Software
Project with Pakistan Foundation Fighting Blindness (PFFB) Introduction of PFFB - A national, non-profit, non-government organization (NGO) for the well being of persons with visual disability - Founded in 1988 by two visually impaired persons
Projects of PFFB Audio World Program - Providing education, information and entertainment through audio cassettes throughout Pakistan students benefiting from this service - Recorded the curriculum and reading material IT Helpline Program - An internet café for persons with visual disability functioning since January 08, Improving computing skills of visually impaired persons
Projects of PFFB
Collaboration of USF & PFFB Contract worth Rs. 6.2 Million (75,000 dollars) signed on September 15, 2008 Objectives - Digitalization of Audio World Library - Expanding accessible internet café
Facilities Provided by USF Audio World Program - Audio Duplicator Machine - Audio Decks - Professional Sound Cards - CD Burner - DVD Burner
Facilities Provided by USF IT Helpline Programme - Desktop Computers - Laptops - JAWS Software - Open Book Scanning and Reading Software - Magic Screen Magnification Software - Broadband Connectivity
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