The Effect of Musical Intelligence through Using the Suggestopedia Method on the Achievement of the Basic Sixth Grade Students' Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension Philadelphia University/ English Department Philadelphia University/ English Department Jordan Dr. Fayzeh Abu Sneineh Dr. Fayzeh Abu Sneineh
INTRODUCTION Vocabulary and reading comprehension are given equal consideration in any second language class as any other activity. The teaching of vocabulary and reading comprehension is emphasized in Lozanove method. Brown (1987) mentioned that the suggestopedia method is one of educational movements that promises great results if we can simply use the human brain power.
The theory of multiple intelligences offered teachers an opportunity to develop innovative teaching approaches that are relatively new to educational scene in Jordan. MI theory suggests that no one set of teaching approaches work best for all students at all times. Gardner's contribution was his identification of seven independent areas of intelligences and that every individual has all of the intelligences, but in various degree. It can be observed in the case of multiple intelligences that different people have different talents and skills in various areas. Some people are more musical than others. Some have a creative skill with mathematics and logic, some are brilliant at expressing themselves through language.
This study will utilize one type of intelligence, the musical intelligence, and teach the new vocabulary and the reading comprehension passages according to the suggestopedia procedures.
Statements of the Study This research aims at investigating the effect of having musical intelligence on the achievement of the basic sixth grade female students in vocabulary and reading comprehension through utilizing the Sugestopedia method. The Suggestopedia method emphasizes the use of music which may stimulate students with musical intelligences.
Significance of the Study As a matter of fact, the researcher feels that it is worthwhile to provide the EFL teachers with some evidences related to teaching vocabulary and reading comprehension according to the Suggestopedia Method in view of the students' musical intelligence. This research also may stimulate more research studies in EFL in relation with other areas of intelligences and in other language skills. As a matter of fact, the researcher feels that it is worthwhile to provide the EFL teachers with some evidences related to teaching vocabulary and reading comprehension according to the Suggestopedia Method in view of the students' musical intelligence. This research also may stimulate more research studies in EFL in relation with other areas of intelligences and in other language skills.
Questions of the Study This study has the following questions: 1. Are there any significant differences in vocabulary achievement among the Suggestopedia students due to the musical intelligence? 2. Are there any significant differences in reading comprehension achievement among the Suggestopedia students due to the musical intelligence?
Review of the related literature Lozanov (1975 Gilbert (1995) Krings (2000) (Forst, 2001) Al-Shaihani (2002) Ying (2003) Christison and Kennedy (1999) found out that teachers who use MI theory have better understanding of their students' learning preferences which leads to greater achievement levels.
It can be concluded from this review of literature that a lot of researches and studies had handled the teaching strategies related to vocabulary and reading comprehension in relation to musical intelligence.
Population of the Study The population of the study consisted of (152) female students enrolled in the basic sixth grade at Al-Dur Al-Manthur School in Amman toward the end of the academic year 2005/2006.
Subjects of the Study MI inventory was distributed and filled by all the population. Then (100) students were randomly recategorized according to their musical intelligences. The study subjects comprised two sections, (50) girls for each.
Design and Variables of the Study The independent variable is the Suggestopedia method used for teaching both group; the experimental and the controlled in view of their musical intelligence. The dependent variable is the students achievement in reading comprehension and vocabulary which was measured by their scores on the post-test.
Instruments of the Study 1. Achievement Test. 2. Multiple intelligences inventory developed by Mckenzie (1999) and then adapted by Al-Baz (2004).
Process of Implementation The musical intelligence inventory which was developed by Mckenzie (1999) was utilized. It consists of nine aspects of musical intelligence. The researcher used the translated part which is related to musical intelligence after being modified according to the Jordanian society by (Al-Baz, 2004) The musical intelligence inventory was distributed and filled by the total population. Students were categorized according to the musical intelligence to form two groups; the subjects of the study. The first group who has musical intelligences and who was later considered as an experimental group, and the second group who doesn’t have musical intelligences,who was later considered as a controlled group.
Finally, at the end of the experiment, the two groups sat for the reading comprehension and vocabulary achievement test.
Statistical Analysis To test the hypotheses of the study, Two-Way ANOVA was employed to analyze students' scores on the achievement of vocabulary and reading comprehension
Findings of the Study Sig.F Mean Squar es df Sum of Squares Source Corrected model * * Intercept Musical intelligences suggestopedia music * suggestopedia Error Total Corrected total * Significant level at ≤0.01 * Significant level at ≤0.01
The first finding of this study indicated that there were no differences between the vocabulary achievement of the experimental group (students who have musical intelligences) and the control group (students who don't have musical intelligences). Two-Way ANOVA was conducted, the finding revealed that there were no statistically significant differences, as the significant level was (0.82) which is higher than (0.05). finding of this part of the study could meet the call for activating and utilizing new strategies and methods that fulfill the musical intelligences of the student, Gardner, (1999), Costanzo and Patixon (1999) who reported that the MI theory provides a way of handling different language skills.
AFMean Square dfSum of Squares Source ** Corrected model ** Intercept ** Musical intelligences ** Suggestopedia music * Suggestopedia Error Total Corrected total ** Significant level at ≤0.01 Two-Way ANOVA for Differences between the Mean Scores of the Two Groups on Reading Comprehension Test
The second part of this study indicated that there were statistically significant differences between the experimented group (students who have musical intelligences) and the control group (students who don't have musical intelligences) on the reading comprehension test. The differences were in favor of the experimental group. The significant level was (0.001), this level is lower than (0.05). This comparatively, high mean score of the experimental group, due to the effect of having musical intelligences. The result of this part ties in well with what Gardner (1999) mentioned that the application of strategies that meet the students’ needs eliminate the feeling that they can't be successful. The differences were in favor of the experimental group. The significant level was (0.001), this level is lower than (0.05). This comparatively, high mean score of the experimental group, due to the effect of having musical intelligences. The result of this part ties in well with what Gardner (1999) mentioned that the application of strategies that meet the students’ needs eliminate the feeling that they can't be successful. It was also reported and confirmed that students who have musical intelligences were so relaxed and confident especially when music was played and when it was paused from time to time to allow their listening to it. It was also reported and confirmed that students who have musical intelligences were so relaxed and confident especially when music was played and when it was paused from time to time to allow their listening to it.
Implications & Recommendations 1. There seems to be a need for conducting other studies on the effect of musical intelligence through using the Suggestopedia method. Such studies may provide an integrative pedagogical basis for future development in TEFL programmes, and it may lead to better generalization of the results.
2. Expand the use of MI theory to cover other language skills, to investigate its effect on enhancing learners’ speaking, listening and writing skills. 3. Conduct similar studies to investigate the effect of using (the Suggestopedia method) in relation to MI theory on other language skill.