Saving energy in the Netherlands the approach in social housing Albert Koedam, Aedes, Dutch federation of housing associations
aedes vereniging van woningcorporaties 2 Situation of social housing in the Netherlands 2,4 million dwellings owned by social housing organizations (app. 35% of total stock)) 430 social housing organizations average monthly rent € 405 –12% less than € 348 –58% between € € 535 –34% more than € 536 average 72% of maximum rent annual investments € 10,7 billion (5,1 billion new built) (figures based on 2008)
aedes vereniging van woningcorporaties 3
4 Energy cost as part of the household budget Difference between rented – owner-occupied Bron: Nibud
aedes vereniging van woningcorporaties 5 Energy cost as part of the household budget Difference based on age of the building Bron: Nibud
aedes vereniging van woningcorporaties 6 Covenant on energy saving in the social rented sector between Aedes – Woonbond – Ministry of Housing October 2008 20% saving on use of gas in the period Existing stock as well as new development Existing: Target energy label B or at least 2 steps improved label New: Intention zero-energy in 2020 Stimulate agreements between local government and housing organizations Guarantee for housing costs Adapting the Housing Evaluation System FOCUS ON HOUSING COST
aedes vereniging van woningcorporaties 7 Housing Evaluation System Single family dwelling Apartments/flats Energy label A Energy label A Energy label A3632 Energy label B3228 Energy label C2215 Energy label D1411 Energy label E85 Energy label F41 Energy label G00
aedes vereniging van woningcorporaties 8 Energy quality of the Dutch social housing stock
aedes vereniging van woningcorporaties 9 Guarantee for housing costs Tenants and landlords agree on increase of rent less than estimated decrease of energy bill Based upon real energy use Applied on estate level Monitoring for a year If necessary adjustment of rent
aedes vereniging van woningcorporaties 10 Activities of Aedes Improve conditions social housing organizations, for instance Housing Evaluation System Monitoring results Energy consultants Intervention teams (together with the Woonbond) Exchange of knowledge and information –website –establishing communities and networks –database best practises –newsletter about the covenant –online-program on energy saving behaviour for tenants
aedes vereniging van woningcorporaties 11 Who’s paying the bill? Increase in rent after major refurbishment Financial reserves of housing organizations, added with the revenues of selling houses to tenants Subsidies and grants, cheaper loans (green finance) (EU Structural funds)
aedes vereniging van woningcorporaties 12 Results until now About 1,5 million energy labels issued In 2008 en 2009 over dwellings renovated Local arrangements made and plans presented Ambition of 20% saving is leading for social housing organizations Active policy and long-range scenarios developped by housing organizations First evaluation positive, target within reach But still a lot has to be done
aedes vereniging van woningcorporaties 13 Applied measures in 2009
aedes vereniging van woningcorporaties 14 Investments in energy saving (2008)
aedes vereniging van woningcorporaties 15 Finally Housing cost is the drive for energy saving Existing stock has absolute priority, but new developments are setting the target (2020 zero-energy) Ambition is clear, but involvement and commitment of tenants is crucial Dutch case and economical crisis are uncertainties to deal with