2 Quantitative methods in banking I.Risk and Capital Reserves II. Modelling Financial Instruments
3 I. Risk and Capital Reserves A bank (like any company) aims to earn money in return for taking risk. But: Taking risk may result occasionally in experiencing losses. In the extreme, banks may default. Bank default will have large impact on economy: Depositors lose their money Firms lack source of financing for investments
4 Therefore: Bank is required by Central Bank to hold Capital. Level of required capital is set so as to make bank default extremely unlikely. Sources of bank capital: Equity capital Reserves Subordinated loans
5 Required capital ABN AMRO (1998, millions EURO) Credit risk - on balance Credit risk - off balance Market risk 651 Actual capital22.612
6 What is Market risk? The possibility to gain or lose on an exposure to market prices Profit may result from –bid/offer spreads –commissions and fees –trading profits (?) The banks’ own Capital protects against losses. The profit should provide a return on this capital.
7 The value at Risk concept 1) Register current risk position accurately 2) Calculate the effect of market price movements (profit/loss) from one day to the next during the last thousand days 3) Present all these daily results in a histogram
8 The Value at Risk distribution: Market Risk 1% VatR 0 * Expected result (average): zero * With 99% certainty no greater loss than VatR * Bid/Ask spread etc. have to compensate for taking this risk
9 What is Credit risk? “Potential drop in the value of an asset because a debtor may not fulfill its obligations” AssetDebtor LoanCustomer BondIssuer Derivative transactionCounterparty with positive MtM
10 Credit Losses (1) Source: S&P Ratings Performance 1997
11 Credit Losses (2) Average
12 Distribution of Credit Losses Non-symmetric (skewed) –Large probability of small losses –Small probability of large losses Long, fat tail Non-normal distribution
13 Credit Losses = Unexpected credit losses Expected credit losses + Amount one expects to loseDeviation from expected credit losses “ Cost of doing business” Not risk, because expected Unanticipated losses risk Capital as protection
14 Loss distribution Expected Loss Unexpected Loss
15 Risk/Reward for Credit exposures: Reward comes in the form of interest margin (interest on loan minus funding rate) This income needs to cover –the Expected Losses fully; –a Return on the Economic Capital (say 20%)
16 Economic capital Capital needed to sustain potential credit losses with probability (=confidence level) Can be calculated for: portfolio of assets incremental assets line of business Also called Value-at-Risk (VatR)
17 Portfolio models for Credit risk Determine: Expected credit losses Probability distribution of credit losses potential unexpected credit losses Examples: CreditMetrics, KVM, CreditPortfolioView, CreditRisk+
18 Main ingredients of Portfolio Models Probability of default (credit quality) of debtors Estimated exposure at default for assets Loss rate given default for assets Extent of diversification / concentration of portfolio (default correlation's)
19 One-Year default probabilities per rating Source: S&P
20 Exposure at default Forecast of amount owed at time of default Different from current exposure Forecast depends on asset type: –loan facility: nominal amount, or estimated outstanding for committed but (partly) undrawn line –derivative: estimated positive market value –bond: nominal amount
21 Loss rate given default Percentage of exposure at default which one expects to lose Depends on seniority of claim on debtor type, quality and quantity of collateral
22 Historic bond recovery SeniorityAverage Senior secured Senior unsecured Subordinated Total Source: S&P “Ratings Performance 1997”. Data from Recovery as % of par.
23 Default correlation Likelihood of simultaneous defaults of multiple obligors Depends on e.g.: geographic diversification diversification over industry sectors state of the economy
24 Estimating correlations Bond credit spreads Equity returns Industry and country factors Factor models (CreditMetrics, KMV) Default correlations
25 Loss Distribution +Economic capital Expected loss Economic capital
26 Conclusion on Credit risk and capital Modelling credit risk on a portfolio basis presents many challenging modelling questions: - Estimating default probabilities - Estimating default correlations - Assessing effect of economic cycles - Optimization of risk/return Results may substantially change approach towards taking and managing credit risk in banking industry.
27 II. Financial Instruments: Model risk Mismatch: model and reality Interesting questions: –How severe is model risk for pricing/hedging of derivatives, market risk evaluation of a portfolio (VaR), etc? –For example: Do we need to model a stochastic interest rate for a convertible? Need for quantification of model risk!
28 Managing Model risk Models for derivatives are developed by commercial line in the dealing room (“frontoffice”) Independent validation by Risk Management One of the tests: Hedge Performance Measurement Model reserve where necessary
29 Hedge performance measurement Derivative: Hedge instruments: Hedge ratios: Consider the hedged portfolio: Uncertainty tomorrow hedge errors:
30 Hedge performance measurement Different hedge strategies (choice of and ) different hedge errors. Different models (predict ) different hedge errors. Estimate density of hedge errors (risk profile).
31 Application Dollar/Yen Model: Black-Scholes (for FX) Hedge strategy: Black-Scholes delta hedge Model risk profile vs. empirical risk profile Test criteria of interest (e.g. VaR or variance). Could interpret test-statistic as first quantification of model risk
32 Application Dollar/Yen Density Model based risk profile Density Empirical risk profile
33 Model reserves Uncertainty in hedge error (up to 99%) may be covered by a VaR-style capital reserve.
34 Summary The impact of quantitative methods on bank risk management Market risk:Capital Adequacy Reserve based on Historical Simulation. Credit risk:Modelling reserves likely to be Monte-Carlo based. Correlations still difficult to estimate. Model risk:Ad hoc and sometimes quite complex.