MNE Declaration Issues Background and aim General policies Employment promotion, equality, security Training Conditions of work and life wages and benefits, child labour, safety and health Industrial relations freedom of association and right to collective bargaining
MNE Declaration Added Value Universal reference point for social responsibility agreed by governments, business and labour balances roles and responsibilities of business, governments and unions applies equally across countries of operation
MNE Declaration offers workers Framework for: fundamental rights at work skills training for employability good working conditions sound industrial relations
MNE Declaration offers business Multinationals: risk management and productive relationships in country of operation Local business: capacity to create and maintain partnerships in global markets
MNE Declaration offers governments Host countries: ways to attract multinational investment and build decent work to reduce poverty Home countries: investment and partnerships opportunities
MNE Declaration National, regional and sectoral initiatives building national, regional and sectoral partnerships stimulating consultations and coordinated action among government, business and labour influencing government action: FDI and employment policies helping collective bargaining agreements providing input at regional levels
MNE Declaration Principles in practice Skills training: Spain National Agreement on HRD and Continuing Training MNEs develop working methods for training aimed at different occupational categories MNEs submit training plans for funding upon approval by tripartite committee Results: MNE needs satisfied increased jobs higher technical skills developed conditions of work enhanced
MNE Declaration Principles in practice Providing input at regional levels: a Southern African experience The “Maputo Declaration” adopted in May 1999 by worker representatives in the textile, clothing, leather and footwear industry from nine SADC member countries: respect and promotion of core labour standards endorse and implement the MNE Declaration and the 1998 ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work encourages regional collective bargaining agreements
MNE Declaration Principles in practice Stimulating social consultations: Philippines Memorandum of Social Understanding & Plan of Action adopted by Governments, business and workers framework of objectives guided by the MNE Declaration key roles of each partner in coordinated action to promote employment, security, training, working conditions and sound industrial relations
MNE Declaration Corporate Social Responsibility inspiring company policies and programmes on a day-to-day basis offering benchmarks for corporate performance providing baselines for framework agreements
MNE Declaration Corporate Social Responsibility Offering benchmarks for corporate performance Principles in practice Equality of employment opportunity equal opportunity policy ? training systems on non-discrimination ? grievance procedure to address discrimination/harassment ? sanctions for violation of company policy ? recruitment based on skills ? promotion and compensation based on performance ?
MNE Declaration Corporate Social Responsibility Providing baselines for framework agreements negotiated between MNE and Global Union Federation apply to MNEs’ operations around the world now, 52 framework agreements covering more than 4.2 million workers
MNE Declaration ILO products and services Assessing progress: follow-up surveys Experiences in terms of MNE Declaration goals Joint or separate views of home and host country governments and of workers’ and employers’ organizations across ILO membership conclusions and recommendations decided by global representatives of government, labour and business results: examples of good practice insights into new trends practical experiences
MNE Declaration ILO products and services Addressing conflicts: interpretation procedure Requests for interpretation of the MNE Declaration: in specific cases of actual dispute over the meaning of the principles examined and answered by the ILO Governing Body to date, interpretations have been given in five cases covering: Notice before change of operations Consultations on decisions with major employment effects Authority of management representatives to take decisions during negotiations
Consultation on decisions with major employment effects In 1983 an American bank decided to lay off 200 out of 650 employees of its British subsidiary The trade union was not informed The MNE subcommittee accepted the case and agreed on the interpretation of the MNE Declaration based on C158 (Termination of an employment relationship) that the companies need to inform trade unions of a closure (where they exist)
Follow up to the MNE Declaration Since 1996 the survey questionnaire on the MNE Declaration is sent sent directly to employers’ and workers’ organizations to increase the response rate However, for the eight survey (2006) only 62 countries replied, from which 13 responses came from workers’ organizations
MNE Declaration Other international levels of operation The OECD Guidelines on Multinational Enterprises MNE Declaration All ILO member states Tripartite oversight Assistance by ILO offices on a tripartite basis OECD Guidelines C ountries of operation of OECD countries companies OECD governments’ supervision Service by National Contact Points with or without business and labour inputs
MNE Declaration Other international levels of operation UN Global Compact UN Global Compact Human rights principles Environment principles Labour principles built-in dialogue and partnerships UN agencies, business, labour and NGOs oversight MNE Declaration Added guidance on ways to implement labour principles built-in dialogue and partnerships Tripartite oversight freedom of association and collective bargaining elimination of forced labour effective abolition of child labour elimination of employment discrimination