Teaching Science to Performance Expectations
Unit Organizers Rationale Standard expectations are readily available to you in a teacher friendly format Clarify what the performance expectations are for each standard Connect the performance expectations to assessment Provide information to Discovery Education for additional resources
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Unit Organizer Example 2-3 LS1 – Life Science LS1 Big Idea: Students learn that all plants and animals have life cycles. They also compare the life cycles of a few common animals to see how they are similar and how they are different, and learn about the life cycles of plants. Focus should be on observable characteristics of how plants and animals change over time. Core Content: Life Cycles Power Standard: Both plants and animals have observable life cycles. Specific details are different for different plants and animals. Topics:Performance Expectations:Instructional Materials 1. Plant Life cycles Describe and or illustrate the life cycle of a common type of plant. Structures of Life FossWeb Activity Life Cycles FossWeb Science in the schoolyard guide Plants and Animals INV1.2, 4.1 Insects and Plants 2.1-3, Science Resources p Animal life cyclesDescribe the life cycle of a common type of animal Structures of Life 3.2-4, 4.1,5 Interdisciplinary Extension p Science Stories Foss Web Activity Life Cycles Insects and Plants 1.1-3, 3.1-3, 4.1-3, Science Resources p * Some standards may be taught at a different grade level due to curriculum
Power Standard Teach to the power standard Focus on the performance expectation
Resources to Meet Expectations FOSS Kit including science stories FOSSweb Discovery Education Literature – Open Court, Read Well, Math – Math Connects, problem solving, graphing, comparing, measurement Additional teacher resources
Discovery Education Discovery Education – Media Share – Bremerton SD – right now grades 4 & 5 are there. Training will be provided for each building by teacher leaders within your building.
Anticipated next steps Develop formative assessments for K-3 Build a District bank of Discovery Education resources/assessments Look for gaps in curriculum and ways to fill them Input ??????