1 Hannover, November 2007 Higher Education-IT Information technology for higher education administration Research on Higher Education Studying, teaching, research, funding Higher Education Development Planning, resources, organisation Hochschul-Informations-System GmbH Assisting: Leadership Decision-making Steering
2 Hannover, November 2007 General information HIS was founded in 1969 and is jointly owned by the Federal Republic and the Länder of Germany HIS is situated in Hanover, Germany HIS has around 260 employees HIS has an annual budget (2007) of around €8.5 million and additional project funds of around €9.5 million
3 Hannover, November 2007 Governing Bodies Board delegates Federal Government1 Ministries of Education3 Ministries of Finance3 Rectors Conference2 Committee for Construction 1 Kuratorium delegates Federal Government3 Ministries of Education16 Federal Bureau of Statistics1 Rectors Conference12 Committee for Construction 3 Science Council1 Council for Student Affairs1 CEO Shareholder Meeting Votes Federal Government16 16 State Government2 each
4 Hannover, November 2007 *) concluded contracts 2007 ff. * ) Revenues
5 Hannover, November 2007 Institutions using HIS-Software
6 Hannover, November 2007 Research on higher education institutions: Studying, teaching, research, funding Higher education access Course of studies and success Entry in the labour market and professional experience of graduates Further education and life-long learning Ad-hoc online-surveys (HISBUS) Internationalisation Benchmarking institutional resources and equipment Higher education financing Evaluation, quality assurance and quality development Statistical information systems
7 Hannover, November 2007 Higher education development: Planning, resources, organisation Organisational analysis, consulting, benchmarking Planning, budgeting and steering in HEI construction Survey of HEI development, local planning propositions Organisation of technical services in HEIs; facility management Health and safety, environmental protection New media in higher education