Today we will learn about prefixes non-not
nondairy adjective not made with milk or other dairy products
nonfat adjective does not contain fat
nonfiction adjective not fiction; real; true; factual
nonhuman adjective not of the human species
nonprofit adjective not in the business to make profit; for charity
nonsense noun something that does not make sense; something that is silly or foolish
nontoxic adjective not harmful
nonverbal adjective not using speech; using little or no oral language
Use the appropriate word for each of the sentences 1.I am allergic to milk, so all of my food products must fit into this category. 2.All paint and chemicals that are safe around children should be labeled with this word. 3.Ken’s story was just too silly to ever believe, so I told him it was this. 4.A charitable organization is one that helps people or animals without trying to earn money for selfish reasons. 5.The book was completely based on his own life story. I would be classified as this. 6.The tale is of a creature that is half horse and half man. The creature is specified as this. 7.Many snacks with this label can still make people gain weight due to the flour and sugar. 8.Although her dog could not speak, he could definitely communicate what he wanted by using this type of behavior. nonhumannonfatnonfictionnontoxic nonsensenondairynonprofitnonverbal nonhumannonfatnonfictionnontoxic nonsensenondairynonprofitnonverbal