January 10, 2014
The Express Lane Order your 5 th grade Dedications and Yearbooks at SequoyaAPT.org by January 31 Order your yearbooks
The Express Lane January 16 – Kindergarten RoundUp January 22 – Sequoya Nights at Peter Piper Pizza January 20 – MLK Day – no school January – Used Book Fair Sale APEX Fun Run Coming up in February Coming up in January
The Express Lane Kindergarten RoundUp – January 16 (5:45pm-7pm) Used Book Fair Sale - January APEX Fun Run – February Chair Needed Volunteers Needed
The Express Lane Do you want to earn money for Sequoya? Start your Amazon shopping at SequoyaAPT.org. A portion of your purchases come back to Sequoya - but ONLY if you access Amazon our website! Are You An Amazon Shopper?
The Express Lane Make sure you get our Week Ahead s every Friday morning at 8am, by visiting > Stay Informed. The Week Ahead s
The Express Lane Been to the Sequoya APT site recently? SequoyaAPT.org
The Express Lane Social Media
The Express Lane Thank you to all our volunteers that have diligently worked through the past month to pull off all our December activities… Sequoya Glows, Baked Treats for the Teachers and Staff, … Thank Yous