Mrs. Sevakis 6th Grade Science
See Curriculum Map online for specific glces This year in Science: Astronomy Plate Tectonics Ecosystems Life skills See Curriculum Map online for specific glces
Weighted Grading 60 % Summative 40 % Formative Students need to be able to apply concepts to different situations Study by having them teach you the concepts Vocab is vital, 3x5 cards helpful to study on weekends Reviews for Tests/Exams only 40 % Formative Less than 15% is homework Moving from teacher directed activities to self directed inquiries. Goal to have more independent learners for life
Books? Classroom set Can be checked out, except night before tests Science binders have all material needed to study
Homework? One Current Event a Marking Period (Except for 1st marking period) Occurs only if class work is not done Check for daily schedule Late/Redo work slips accepted with approval.
Science Current Event Homework 1 per marking period required Needs to be a science discovery Turn in on any Friday of the marking period 3 things required: The article (email if printer broken) Fill out Current Event worksheet Write a 5 -6 sentence summary, OR present to class
To help students be Successful in 6th Grade Science: Student Science Binder organized? Get on Parent Email List: email to get on this list Check Skyward -I update on Fridays, progress reports sent Website: Daily assignments, links, upcoming assessments Current Event done?
Need more help? Email: Thursdays Help: lunch or after school School Homework center School list of tutors