Materials Science Registry Will propose RDA Materials Science WG Define minimum/modest metadata extensions to Dublin Core to enable resource discovery across materials sciences Deliverable: document with metadata definitions Will seek organizations to do pilot implementations OAI-PMH for harvesting and synchronizing metadata records Will present this plan at RDA Plenary 5, Materials Science Interest Group Action: Bob, Laura, Jim Warren to coordinate (Laura and Jim co-chair the RDA Materials Science IG)
Leveraging HCLS Dataset Descriptions Exercise: format a NIST Materials Repository dataset record into Dataset Description Used JSON-LD format Mapped metadata into DD terms Reviewed MUSTs, SHOULDs Because JSON will be used to send metadata records to, conversion the DD/JSON-LD is trivial's JSON format defines its own vocabulary that allows for easy inclusion into DD/JSON-LD record John W. also built a HCLS JSON-LD example for a Protein DataBank entry
Potential Next Steps Simple Dataset Discovery Demonstration Convert a large number of records, load into triple-store Show basic dataset discovery via SPARQL queries Show value of Linked Data Concept Try relating NIST Materials Datasets to other linkable data; e.g. Chemical data in Wikipedia (via DBpedia) Demonstrate application of Linked Data Platform (W3C Rec) describing standard services for access to JSON-LD descriptions. Demonstrate linking to repository-specific information or tools Explore how we might guide consumers to specialized tools that can leverage community/repository-specific knowledge