Lab Final Exam The question bank is posted on the ELMS site under “Final Exam” in “Assignments”
Lab #6: the LRC Circuit and Resonance Remember how AC circuits containing a cap, an inductor, and a resistor in series behave Measure a resonance experimentally Upload a spreadsheet today. A full lab report due by 2 PM same day next week
Crystal radio (AM radio) Where is the crystal? No longer in there. Modern crystal radios use diodes instead. Today: inductor and capacitor together. AM operates from 535 to 1605 kHz.
Series LRC Circuit The phenomenon of resonance is important in physics Impedance: Resistor: Capacitor: Inductor: R (voltage in phase with current) (voltage lags current by 90 o ) (voltage leads current by 90 o )
Current in the circuit Current I is max when denominator is min: when ωL=1/ωC Start with a statement of Kirchoff’s law:
phases Phase of current (and thus voltage across R) with respect to V 0 Phase shift between voltage across resistor and input is zero when at resonant frequency statement of Kirchoff’s law:
phases Note that since V L leads by 90 degrees and V C lags by 90 degrees, they are always out- of-phase by 180 degrees
Hints part A mH: make this by putting two 100 mH inductors in series. Because the mutual inductance is non-negligible, please be sure to wire them together, measure the inductance, and then put them into the circuit wired exactly as when you measured them. Part A2. assume the uncertainty on internal resistance of the waveform generator is 2 Ohms. (50 ± 2) C-1 at low frequency, the waveform can be ugly. Measure to the average over the “features”. In other words, use cursors, not “measure” on the oscilloscope. C-1 don’t assume that V 0 is the same at all frequencies, monitor it and record the values. C-1 note that the phase shift changes sign as a function of frequency!
Some Derivatives
Step-wave input Charge on cap rings at resonant frequency while decaying away Like striking a bell with a hammer
At large R Critically damped: R is large enough so that no oscillation occurs
Hints Capture a wave form of the ringing with wavestar for part C, only vary R and only give a qualitative answer