Chapter 18: A Revolutionary in Science Section 1: The Scientific Revolution Master Plan World History Period 6
A: Revolutionary Thinking Main Idea : – Astronomers challenged the teaching of ancient philosophers and of church leaders.
A: Revolutionary Thinking The Old View – In the middle Ages, most European thinkers accepted the traditional view of the universe, based on the ideas of Aristotle. – The writings of Ptolemy, an early Greek astronomer, proved a classic example of an ancient idea that was accepted by thinkers of a later period in history. – This new approach ultimately led to the Scientific Revolution.
A: Revolutionary Thinking Nicolaus Copernicus and Watchers of the Stars – Nicolaus Copernicus was a polish scholar who had studie the writings of the ancients and spent much of his time observing the stars. – Europe's scientific knowledge was based on classical writing, and they were not eager to give up on ideas that guided them for centuries. – Kepler also found that planets move in oval paths, not in circles as the Copernicus believed. This idea helped explain some of the observation of planetary motion.
A: Revolutionary Thinking Galileo Galilei – Galileo Galilei was born in – Galileo found many thing as he studied planets and the earth. He wrote stories about his discovery, and made many people mad. – In 1633, under the threat of torture, he was forced to deny that the ideas of Copernicus were true. He was placed on house arrest for the rest of his life. But he still wrote until he died.
B: A New Scientific Method Main Idea: – Francis Bacon and Rene Descartes helped develop the scientific method.
B: A New Scientific Method Champions of the New Science – Francis Bacon and Rene Descartes had a huge influence on the scientific revolution. – Descartes believed that nature and philosophy should be studied by mathematical analysis and Francis believed in something else. – The two believed in many things so they never settled their differences.
B: A New Scientific Method The Methods of Science – The ideas of Bacon and Descartes helped create a new approach to science, which is used today. – Although there is no single scientific method, scientist do share a general approach. – The scientists could reject the hypothesis or modify it until repeated experiments verify or confirm results.
C: Science Continues to advance Main Idea: – Scientist gained more support from monarch and made new discoveries
C: Science Continues to advance Isaac Newton – Newton was the first person to explain the laws of force and motion that operate in the universe. – Newton greatest discovery was the law of gravity. – Newton continued his work in science all his life, he explained why planets travel in oval paths and many more.
C: Science Continues to advance Other discoveries – Once scientist began to use accurate observations and measurement as the basis for their work, they made great progress. – Life sciences and medicine also benefited from the new scientific methods of observation and measurement. – Also barometers, thermometers, and air pumps helped the study of chemistry.
A. Political, economic, and social thought
B. The idea of the philosophes
b. The ideas of the philosophes
C. The enlightenment and society.
c. The enlightenment and society