List of realized laboratory exercises Radiation detection Alpha spectroscopy Gamma spectroscopy with scitillation detectors (NaI, CsI) Gamma spectroscopy with HPGe Range of alpha particles Gamma-gamma correlations Mion lifetime I Mion lifetime II, velocity and angular distributions of cosmic mouns Rutherford scattering Compton scattering Positron annihilation VDC Educational PET model Work in progress (NMR,gamma neutron coincidence detection) Next steps (Scintillation fibres, Gel-Cherenkov detector) Contact:
Radiation detection
Gamma spectroscopy with scintillation detectors NaI(Tl) and CsI(Tl) List of equipment: Digital oscilloscope, Tektronix TDS 2024B Gamma sources (set of gama sources) NaI(Tl) 3”x3” and CsI(Tl) 1”x1” HV, Ortec 556 Preamplifier, Ortec 113 Scinitllation preamp. NIM crate, ortec 4001A Amplifier, Canberra 241 MCA, Canberra Multiport II Genie 2000 software for data acquisition and analysis Topics: Digital oscilloscope, signals Preamps, amplifiers ADC, MCA Scintillation detectors for gamma detection Identification of different gamma ray reaction mecahnisams Gamma ray energies Resolution of scintillation detectors.
Gamma spectroscopy with HPGe List of equipment: Digital oscilloscope, Tektronix TDS 2024B Gamma sources HPGe, DSG system HV Canberra 3106D Amplifier, Canberra 2026 MCA Canberra Multiport II Genie 2000 software for data acquistion and analysis Topics: Digital oscilloscope, signals Preamps, amplifiers ADC, MCA HPGe for gamma detection Identification of different gamma ray reaction mecahnisms Gamma ray energies Resolution of HPGe.
Alpha spectroscopy List of equipment: Vacuum chamber Ortec 807 Radioactive sources 244 Cm, 241 Am, 239 Pu Si detectors, Micron MSX-1000, MSX-300 Preamplifier, Canberra 2004 NIM crate, Canberra Voltage supply, Mesytec MHV-4 Amplifier, Canberra 241 Digital oscilloscope, TDS 2024B Vacuum pump, Pfeiffer DUO 5M Vacuum-meter, MKS MCA Canberra Multiport II Genie 2000 software for data acquistion and analysis Topics: Vacuum Alpha decay Semiconductor detector Preaps, amplifiers NIM standard and signals Digital oscilloscope Energies of alpha particles
Energy loss and range of alpha particles List of equipment: Vacuum chamber Ortec 807 Radioactive sources 244 Cm, 241 Am, 239 Pu Si detectors, Micron MSX-1000, MSX-300 Preamplifier, Canberra 2004 NIM crate, Canberra Voltage supply, Mesytec MHV-4 Amplifier, Canberra 241 Digital oscilloscope, TDS 2024B Vacuum pump, Pfeiffer DUO 5M Vacuum-meter, MKS MCA Canberra Multiport II Genie 2000 software for data acquisition and analysis Topics: Vacuum Alpha decay Semiconductor detector Preaps, amplifiers NIM standard and signals Digital oscilloscope Energies of alpha particles Energy loss and range of Alpha particles
Mion lifetime I List of equipment: Digital oscilloscope, Tektronix TDS 2024B Plactic scintillator NE102, PMT X… HV Ortec 556 NIM crate Caberra 2100 CFD Ortec CF8000 TDC FastComTec 7072, FastComTec MCA-3 and DAQ software PAW software Topics: Cosmic rays and mions Interaction of charged particles with matter Detection of charged particles with scitillator CFD TDC Measurement of muon lifetime τ =2.2±0.1 µs,
Gamma-gamma correlations List of equipment: Digital oscilloscope TDS 2024B 22 Na and 60 Co sorces LSO detectors and XP220URQ HV Ortec 556 NIM crate, Canberra 2100 fADC CAEN N1728 Computer and DAQ software Root software
Gamma-gamma correlations
Compton scattering List of equipment: Digital osci, Tektronix TDS 2024B 22 Na and 137 Cs sources NaI(Tl) detector, Ø 0.5” NaI(Tl) detector, 3”x3” NIM crate, Canberra 2100 HV Ortec 556 ( x2 ) fADC CAEN N1728 Computer and DAQ software Root software
Positron annihilation List of equipment: Digital oscilloscope TDS 2024B 22 Na, 60 Co source Vacuum pump BaF 2 detetectors, XP2020URQ HV 556 NIM crate Ortec 4001C CFD, Ortec 584 CFDD, Ortec 583B Coincidence Phillips 752 CAMAC crate, Wiener TDC CAEN C414 ADC CAEN C205A CC16, PC and PC16 card DAQ software PAW
Positron annihilation Topics: Gamma detection with scintillators Adjustment of CFD and CFDD Coincidences CAMAC, TDC and ADC Precise time measurements Data analysis with PAW Positron and positronium annihilation lifetime
Rutherford scattering List of equipment: Vacuum chamber Vacuum pump, Pfeiffer turbo TSH Am source and collimator Double-sided silicon strip detector ( 16 channels, Micron W1) 16 channels preamps Mesytec MPR16 NIM crate Ortec 4001C HV, Mesytec MHV-4 16 channels amplifier and discriminator Mesytec STM 16 CAMAC crate, Wiener Scaler, 16 channels CAMAC CAEN C275 Computer and dana acquistion, linux Simpler version: Ortec silicon detecor Preamplifier Canberra 2004 Amplifier Canberra 241 NIM Scaler CAEN N1145 Rutherford cross section per target atom
Vertical Drift Chamber List of equipment: VDC HV supply, CAEN N126 Preamps + discr. Voltage supply Gas system Scintillator HV, Ortec 556 VME crate Discriminator TDC Computer + DAQ (linux) PAW
VDC - assembling Two diploma thesis: Scintillation detector VDC plates Software
Cosmic mions: lifetime, velocity and angular distribution List of equipment: Digital oscilloscope TDS 2024B Two plastic scintillation detectors HV, Ortec 556 ( x2) NIM crate Ortec 4001A CFD, Ortec CF8000 Coincidence, LeCroy TDC FastComTec 7072, FastComTec MCA-3 and DAQ software PAW software
List of equipment ( muon angular distribution): Plastic scintillators + holder HV, Ortec 556H CFD, Ortec CF8000 Scaler, CAEN N1145, TDC FastComTec 7072, Velocity and angular distribution of cosmic muons
Mion public –WYP2005 Time dilatation Future: Rutherford scattering Positrons
Work in progress: NMR Neutron – gama coincidence Scintillation fibres Gel Cherenkov detector Next steps
Educational PET model PET principles: ToF PET principles: IAEA TC CRO4005
Educational PET model T. Back, J. Cederkall, B. Cederwall, A. Johnson, A. Kerek, W, Klamra, J. van der Marel, J. Molnar, D. Novak, D. Sohler, M. Steen, P. Uhlen: A TOF-PET system for educational purposes, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A477 (2002) 82 I. Friščić, M. Makek, D. Bosnar, T. Bokulić 5th Scientific Meeting of Croatian Physical Society, Primošten, Digital signal processing??? Improved time resolution, energy information, three-gamma contribution… 48 BaF 2 + XP2020URQ VME electronics
PET model design (diploma thesis I. Friščić) Gate simulations: Image reconstruction:
PET design: BaF 2 detectors Purchased parts: Produced parts Complete BaF 2
PET model, BaF 2 detector tests Energy resolution: Time resolution:
PET model assembling: holder
PET model, detector tests VME electronics Simultaneous time and energy measurements Completion of the detector system Image reconstruction
Praktikum web site
List of equipment