Enriching the Standard Model & Beyond IAS Workshop Jan 27, 2012 Nanyang Technological University Singapore
The Standard Model
The Standard Model Lagrangian
The Yukawa Coupling lepton
Enriching the Standard Model
The New Higgs Field symmetric Anti- symmetric
The New Higgs Field Maximal CP violation
Fermion Mass Matrix Results by Gupta
Fermion Mass Matrix
Cabibbo Kobayashi-Maskawa Matrix Results by Gupta
Symmetric Lepton Mass Matrix
Transformation to Mass Eigenstates Lepton Mass Matrix
See-Saw Mechanism Flavor Neutrino Mass Matrix Lepton Mass Matrix
See-Saw Mechanism Flavor Neutrino Mass Marix Lepton Mass Matrix
and the is the diagonal mass matgrix for the heavy right-handed neutrinos
Type II Degeneracy
Type I Degeneracy
a =
PMNS Matrix
Experimental Indications Gulsheen Ahuja Type I Degeneracy a =
The Higgs Potential
Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking New Vacuum
Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking Nambu-Goldstone Bosons
Fermion Mass Matrix Mass Hierarchy
The New Higgs Potential Tree Level Higgs Potential with minimum at new vacuum
The New Higgs Potential New Vacuum
The Higgs Potential Goldstone Bosons Up Quark Sector
The Higgs Potential Physical Higgs Field Up Quark Sector
The Higgs Potential PseudoGoldstone Bosons
The Higgs Potential PseudoGoldstone Bosons
Soft Breaking Terms Markos Maniatis
Flavor Diagonality
Penguin Diagrams
Flavor Diagonality Flavor Changing Amplitude
FCNC condition Flavor Diagonality
FCNC condition Flavor Diagonality
FCNC condition Flavor Diagonality
FCNC condition Flavor Diagonality
FCNC condition Flavor Diagonality
Enriching the Standard Model Implications for LHC 1.Higgs family has a rich hierarchy While some are heavy to conform to constraints from rare decays, there will be some `pseudo-Goldstone bosons’ that are low. 2.The Higgs bosons are not CP eigenstates and so there will be analogs of K L and K S oscillations. 3.The parameters of CKM matrices related to the hierarchies of Higgs family.
OPERA Underground Detector
Frontiers of Science Implications for Technology OPERA Experiment
& Beyond Superluminal neutrino? Chodos, Hauser & Kostelecky, 1985
& Beyond Superluminal neutrino?
& Beyond Equations of Motion
& Beyond
Structure of the In Vacuum
Structure of the Out Vacuum
Structure of the Vacua & Beyond
Micro-Causality & Beyond
Micro-Causality & Beyond
Neutrino Oscillation & Beyond
Neutrino Oscillation & Beyond
Neutrino Oscillation & Beyond
Neutrino Oscillation & Beyond
Tritium beta-decay
arXiv:hep-ph/ v1